The Return to the Octopod

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Far, far away from the island and the sea, in the lone woods, stood a wolf, about 6"4 tall. He grinned nastily as he held out his paws, enjoying the warmth of the fire.

A young white fox padded into the clearing of trees, bringing him a cup of tea as she sat down on a log. She glanced at the wolf, who was holding up some blueprints.

"Ah, Whiteout. Here to listen to my marvelous plan, are you?" the wolf grinned, showing his horrible golden teeth. The latter rolled her eyes. "I've heard it a hundred times already, but whatever."

He grinned, clearing his throat. "Alrighty, listen closely. Our plans didn't go so well due to those pesky frats of those puny Octonauts - but luckily, I had a backup plan!" He grinned nastily again.

Whiteout perked up, interested. She hadn't heard of this one before.

"I infiltrate the Octopod at night-time, kidnap those three brats, leave as fast as I can - and voila! I have them!"

Whiteout paused. "And what do you plan doing with Tanya and Zoe?"

"They're a present for you, dearest! You can toy with them, torture them - do whatever you'd like to them!" Wilbert snickered. 

Whiteout grinned. "So, when do we attack?"

"Tonight, you idiot!" Wilbert screamed impatiently, dancing around. Whiteout rolled her eyes, slightly cringing at the volume of his voice.


"I simply cannot wait to unleash that Storm Maker 3000 of mine," Wilbert said, smirking. "Soon I'll have Mother Nature at my feet.."


"There. Our bedroom looks lovely." Bella smiled, standing back to admire the progress they had completed.

"It was really nice of Tweak to lend us this room behind the garage," commented Zoe as she jumped on her bed.

Bella stared out the window. Although she was actually overjoyed that she had come back with her friends, she couldn't help but think that something was going to happen. But what?

"Lighten up, Bella. The tsunami's happened, like, weeks ago." Tanya scoffed, noticing her anxious look and folding her arms. When her friends gave her looks, she said, "Okay, maybe just a day ago."

The beagle stared at the paper in her white paws, before grabbing a pen and beginning to write,

Dear Mother and Father,

How are you? I'm going well. How is Benjy? I've settled in good with my friends at the Octo-Pod. The Octonauts are really nice and remind me of a family. Tanya keeps teasing Zoe about the african cushions she brought. The cushions are really pretty. Will you teach me to sew sometime?

It's probably just me, but I'm really worried for some reason. Something bad is going to happen, but what? I don't know. Again, it's probably just me.

Thank you for everything.


P.S. Make sure to say hi to the twins and Benjy for me!

She folded the letter neatly, before tucking into the envelope and sealing it. Bella then jumped off her bed, sliding down the Octo-Chute.

The young beagle then dove into the water, swimming down. Tweak's turtle friend, Sandy, was waiting for her.

"Hey, Sandy. Can you deliver this for me to my island?" asked Bella, handing her the letter. "Sure, Bella." Sandy took it with a fin, smiling at her. "See you later, alligator!" She zoomed off.

Bella watched her go, before swimming back to the Octopod. " .. Cheer up, Bella! You're with your friends - and the Octonauts. What's going to happen?" she spoke to herself.

" .. It'll all be fine, I know it.."


I don't think so, Bella.
Whew! Writing this chapter was tedious, for some reason. I hope you all enjoyed it! You'll soon see why I called this story "Eye of the Storm" because of the plot. Anyway, see you all soon in the next chapter! :)

Eye of the StormOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora