Going Back

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Sorry for the late update! I'm writing heaps of drabbles at the moment about Tanya and Benjy, and I had writers block for this one.

Update: Did one of my friends sneak in something when I was writing this? Anyway, I editted it a little :)


Captain Barnacles was, admittedly, a little flustered. His once organized bedroom was now messy and cluttered. He sighed, fiddling a bit with his ocean blue T-shirt.

The captain left his room and headed towards the libray to see Inkling, the founder of the Octonauts. The professor looked up, surprised to see the captain. "Greetings, Barnacles! What brings you to my humble abode?" He chuckled at his own joke.

Captain Barnacles sighed. "To be honest, I am a little.. stressed, Professor." Inkling raised an eyebrow at this. "Is that so..? Well, why don't you take a seat and we'll have a chat about it." The captain did so and he sat down next to him on a chair.

"I see. You sound like you have alot on your hands. Have you ever considered hiring help? It would take a load of your back and you might have some free time." Inkling gently explained after Barnacles had finished.

The captain thought about it. "Professor, I'm not the only one who has been having trouble alone.. I've also noticed Peso is struggling a bit, too."

"Hmmm," Said Inkling, rubbing his chin with a tentacle. "Perhaps we'd better look around."


The tiger leapt up and hit the ping pong ball with ease using her racket, smirking as Kwazii missed the shot. "Score!" she whooped with triumph. Kwazii chuckled as Tunip switched her score to one. "Cheepa, Cheepa!" he cheered. They were both one on one.

"Harr harr, matey, you got me. Good shot." He smiled at Tanya who grinned back at him. The two of them had started competing with each other the moment Tanya mentioned ping pong.

"I'm getting a little hungry," Tanya admitted suddenly as she missed a shot. Kwazii dropped his pin pong racket. "Aye, me too. Let's see what Tunip's got in the kitchen."


Bella sighed, shifting uncomfortabley in her clinic bed. She stared up at the ceiling in thought. What would happen to them once they were better? Would they go home? Bella didn't want to leave, not just yet. She loved being in the ocean and looking at all the fish.

Zoe noticed this. She had been reading a medical book about diseases a fish could get. "What's wrong, Bella?" she asked.

Bella sighed. "It's just.. I'm bored, Zoe. I need something to organize .." she trailed off with a blank expression.

Zoe thought for a while. "Maybe you should talk to the captain," she suggested. "Maybe he will help you organize something."

Bella smiled at this. "Good idea." The beagle jumped off her bed and went to the captain's room.

She jumped in, shaking her head in dizziness. She was still trying to get used to the Octo-whatever Tweak-called-it.

"What brings you here, Bella?" The captain looked surprised.

"I was just wondering if you needed some help," she replied sheepishly, scuffling a foot on the floor. The Captain was surprised. "Well.. I don't really.. Need help.." He began awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

"Are you sure?" Bella asked in surprise, looking around the room. "Cause I could clean it up for you." Without waiting for a response, she began organizing it for him.

 "Well.. thanks. That's kind of you." said the Captain, a surprised look on his face. Bella shrugged. "No problem. I came to talk to you about something."


Bella sighed. "You see, we were going on a trip to Africa when lightning struck our plane. Our parents and family don't know what happened, so I was wondering if we could have a way to contact them, to let them know we're safe."

Barnacles nodded. 'I understand. Where are they now? Would you be as kind to lead us to the island?"

Bella sighed, but nodded. "Yes." She then followed him to the HQ, where Zoe was talking to Dashi and Tweak. She then showed Dashi and Barnacles the way to the island, where the Octopod rose to the surface.

"Thanks, you guys." Bella sighed before going onto the island. She found it hard to blink back tears as she held Zoe's hoof. She watched as the Octopod sailed away, trying to blink back tears.


The end! Well, not really. I was kind of worried and I got stuck for writer's block but then I had this amazing idea (thanks to Tweak_athaga_bunny). I'm not going to reveal any spoilers I have for the next chapter, so stay tuned!


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