The Rescue

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Sorry for the late update! Here you guys go!

Also.. before you read ahead, things are gonna get gorey.. so if you're a sensitive person and you don't like blood, skip ahead!




"Bella?! Where are you?!"

Tanya and Zoe shouted Bella's name, hoping a beagle would appear in front of them and tell them that she was alright. But no beagle came.

Suddenly, a fish-like submarine gup came upon the shore. Tanya and Zoe immediately recognized Barnacles, Kwazii and Peso. "Dudes," Tanya shouted, "We have no idea where Bella went! Some crazy stuff happened!"

"Aye, there's only one explanation." Kwazii began in a haunting tone. "This island be haunted by the dreaded Rickerwok!"

"The Rickerwok? Never heard of it," Tanya scoffed, "But I have a much better explanation!" She allowed the silence to linger, then said in a whispering voice, "There's only one reason why Bella vanished. A ghost stole her away."

"Quit messing around, both of you!" Bruce angrily snapped. The group jumped. He had been very quiet. "We have things to do - much more important things to do!" He growled at them. Then he sighed. "Fallow me. I'll track down her scent."

Nodding bewilderedly, the group followed him. Bruce stopped at the metal doors near a cave. "Aye, I think it's here." He was about to go in when Barnacles stopped him. "I'll lead it in from here now." he told him. Looking reluctant, Bruce found himself a log to sit on.

Kwazii then quickly tried all sorts of code, before the metal doors creaked open loudly. Kwazii immediately went inside, but Barnacles stopped him. "We don't know what's ahead of us," he advised the orange cat, who pouted.

Before anyone could stop her, Tanya rushed inside, screeching at the top of her lungs. "I'm coming for you, Wilbert!" the tiger shrieked. Zoe quickly grabbed the angry tiger. "Tanya! At this rate, Wilbert may have heard us!" she scolded her.

Tanya simply tossed her head and looked away annoyed. Suddenly, they heard laughter. The Octonauts quickly looked around frantically.

"Wait a minute," gasped Peso, his eyes wide. "Where's Zoe and Tanya?" The two had disappeared since they had heard the laughter.

Suddenly, screams of terror came from a room nearby. The Octonauts rushed into inside. An arctic fox was leaning over Zoe, slashing at her muzzle. When she saw the Octonauts, she snarled loudly, holding the knife, which was stained with blood.

Barnacles snarled right back at her. The two seemed to stare each other down, until Whiteout suddenly leapt forwards. They began to wrestle.

After a few minutes, the Captain managed to knock her unconscious. He glanced at Zoe, Tanya and Bella, who were breathing heavily with fright and tied up, except for Tanya, who stubbornly refused to show fear. He quickly untied their bounds.

"We'll leave the fox here." advised Barnacles as he led them outside. He immediately stopped when he noticed Bruce, who gaped in horror at Bella's injuries. Bella then went into the submarine, ignoring Peso's protests. "Follow me," she spoke softly, "to my home. My mother and father will meet us there."


I'm sorry, guys. Endings are my weakness. Unfortunately, I couldn't think of a really good cliffhanger.

Well, this is Octo, signing off!

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