Storm of the Century

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Whoo-whee! It's been a while since I've been on Wattpad, mainly due to busy-ness + lack of interest in this story. But I promise I will keep updating!

Anyone know what reference I'm pointing at with the title of the chapter? C:

The last chapter, the Octonauts were consumed into a dramatic snowstorm! What will they do? Will they manage to escape? There's only one way to find out!

Into the sea of the plot! *dives in like scuba-diver*


No one heard Wilbert's furious screams or either ignored them as one by one, the Octonauts rushed out. All except one. The white fox who had so desperately tried to warn Wilbert was now doing her best to turn off the machine, searching for multiple buttons and switches. Wilbert, however, was pushing every button he could, doing everything in a crazed, scared fit to cease the huge vortex.

But all of their attempts were in vain.

"Stop it, Wilbert!" Whiteout snapped, her steely, ice blue cold eyes flashing in indignation. "You're not helping by-.." she trailed off. Multiple lightning burst out from the vortex, storm clouds quickly gathering as the area began to shake. Wind added to the vortex, making the snow swirl faster and faster like a giant..

" .. Tornado!" Whiteout gasped. "Wilbert, what buttons did you press?!"

".. Err, every one of them. Why?"

Whiteout didn't answer for a few seconds. Then suddenly, she raised a single white paw and slapped Wilbert across the face.

The arctic wolf stood in there in surprise. " .. Y-You hit me!" he gasped, holding his face in shock. "Not even my own mother-"

"What did you expect, let me stand there and do nothing?! Like I always did in the past?! You treated me miserably all these years - hell, you killed my only family I ever had, split apart me and my best friend, and made my life a living NIGHTMARE! You showed me the dark side, forced me to join it - and if I didn't, you'd kill me anyways - so what's your point?! What did I ever do to you? WHY DID YOU DO THAT TO ME?" she screamed. She almost paused as she felt tears silently oozing out of her eyes, sitting down as she felt the heaviness drag her heart once more.

She couldn't believe she was crying in front of now what she now saw as her worst enemy, but it felt so good to let out the pain she had shut in so long ago. And suddenly, everything was lifted off of her shoulders. 

And then for a moment she felt something grip her by her said shoulders, before two strong, grey arms seized her by the waist and threw her across the room. In a furious rage, she opened up to shout, to angrily yell at Wilbert once more, but never spoke.

For the reason why he had thrown her was because of the lightning bolt directly hitting against the floor. The lightning bolt gave off an explosion as it hit the floor, the impact so powerful it pushed Whiteout against the wall, her eyes closed as she tried to avoid the furious glare of the bolt.

But she did not miss any sound, of the bloodcurdling scream of pain that filled the entire Berg-marine.


Silence filled the air except for the wind howling in the distance, reminding them cruelly that the storm was yet to burst from the submarine that Wilbert had molded into an iceberg. The beagle was overrun by a violent shiver that racked her small frame. She was so, so, so glad that she was back with the Octonauts nevertheless. She didn't care about the cold.

She felt a warm arm extend around her waist and pull her into a hug, blocking the cruel winds that became more and more harsh as the storm grew stronger. For a few moments she was silent, her beagle ears flapping in the wind's patterns. With her heart pounding nervously, she had no idea on what to say at this time. She so badly wanted to let Captain Barnacles know about her true feelings that she harboured towards him, but what stopped her from speaking was the fear that Wilbert would intervene, just like he did with..

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