Fears and Tears

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Holy crap, 1,000 views!? That's insane, but thank you, thank you so much, for reading my story! :D


"Yes, it's me. Don't freak out over it." Whiteout snapped at her, steely ice blue eyes narrowed. "I'm not going to hurt you, you wild striped freak."

"Oh yeah?! Come and get it, then! I know you're lying!" Tanya unsheathed her claws. Whiteout just raised a furry white paw and slapped her across the cheek, much to her surprise.

"Get a hold of yourself, you short-tempered -..! Ugh. Look, your friend is in danger, okay, and she's in that ridiculous giant iceberg." She pointed to the iceberg submarine. Tanya stared at it, dumbfounded. "So you're saying I'll go in there and it's not going to be a trap?" she asked skeptically.

"Look, do you want to save her life or not?" Whiteout impatiently asked her.

Tanya narrowed her eyes. "You better not be lying," she hissed, "Come on down. Don't blame me if Captain Barnacles suddenly leaps at you - I'm not the one who constantly insulted us and sided with Wilbert."

Whiteout followed down with her. The tiger looked at the Octonauts, as they stared at Whiteout in shock and fear. Tanya did nothing to stop their suspicious looks.

Tweak looked at her coldly. "Why are you here, Whiteout?" she asked her coolly.

Whiteout took a deep breath. "I don't blame you for hating me, but just hear me out. I know where Bella is."

There was a silence that followed. "Well come on then - do you want to rescue her, or not?" Whiteout cut in. Tweak frowned. "This better not be a trap set up by Wilbert. Which way?"

Whiteout simply pointed to the iceberg submarine. Tweak wore a blank expression. "Oh." She drove the Gup X towards it.

There was a bit of an awkward silence, Whiteout noticed. And her heart was busy pounding against her chest. What would Wilbert do to her when he found out? Something horrible, she guessed. Right now, he couldn't do anything to her, so she decided to tell them something.

"Did you know that Bella was my best friend when we were little?"


"She what?" screamed a furious voice. "She DISAPPEARED?! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?!"

"Because I was so busy looking for her," answered Bella calmly. "I didn't bother to tell you because I also thought you didn't want to go after her after she left." She immediately regret what she said, and her blue eyes flickered, waiting for a sharp slap across the face, screaming insults or a knife to the gut.

But Wilbert didn't seem to have noticed her statement. "You should have told me!" he roared, stamping in rage. 

Wilbert had found her near his office door, but did not guess that she would have entered his room of plans and secrecy, thanks to his lack of absent-mindedness. (A/N: Sorry if that's not a word! XD)

Bella was doing her best to remain calm on the outside. On the inside though, she was terrified of Wilbert. She often scolded herself for being scared of him - one look at his evil stare and it sent a shiver down her spine. Bella didn't want to show him that she was afraid.

There was a sudden jolt as the submarine sputtered, before going out. Screaming in anger, Wilbert stormed down in a rage towards the Engine Room.

Bella curled up on the floor, desperately trying to think of what to do whilst Wilbert was gone. She needed a plan of escape. Her father had come up with a plan to help them escape, her grandfather told her.

So what could she do? What would her father do? Thinking about him put a lump in her throat, and tears quickly gathered in her eyes. Bella began to cry, burying her head in her knees as she hugged them.


".. You- what.. How was Bella your best friend?!" shrieked Tanya, looking overly shocked and confused.

Whiteout ignored her and continued, "My mother and father and three older brothers were the only family I had. Since both of my parents were associated with the police, they were well aware of what Wilbert was like by the time he had killed Bethany."

"What are you talking about?" Tweak demanded, as she steered the Gup towards the massive bergmarine. 

"Tweak, didn't you know?" Zoe said softly, ears pinning back in sadness. "Bethany was Bella's older sister before she was killed by Wilbert." 

Tweak was left in silence as she stared at the iceberg. "Why is Wilbert so cruel?"

Whiteout was quiet for a few moments before replying, "I could tell you, but he'd have my guts for dinner if I told you." 

There was silence again. And all of them knew, that no matter what it costed, they had to find Bella immediately.

And fast.


I had to end this chapter rather quickly, because it was getting nowhere. Sorry about that! I don't know how much chapters there will be left, maybe 2 or 3, I don't know. xD

This is O-ctonaut, signing off!~

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