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Hey, y'all! I'm back with another update, and this time, instead of going on with the plot, I decided to get Bella and Barnacles to bond a bit. After all, this DOES have romance in it!

Wilbert's ear flicked as he heard several crickets chirping in the background. He snarled at a nearby mouse as it dashed past him. He hated mice, with a passion.

The wolf crept silently, before coming into a clearing. Standing towering over him with a huge white blanket stood his one and only precious invention.

He smiled greedily before ripping off the blanket, looking at its wires, gears and other spare parts. "Whiteout, get here!" He called.

The white fox soon came running in. "What is it, Will?" She asked. Wilbert grinned. "I have the perfect plan. We're going to send a giant tsunami towards Burpton Island." He grinned again. Then it turned into a scowl

"WHAT are you standing there for?! MOVE! Get it turned on! I haven't felt this excited since I sent the tornado towards Texas!" He laughed. Whiteout did as she was told, turning on the "ON" button. She turned the dial to "TSUNAMI".

"Heheheheh," Wilbert chuckled, as he heard the earth shake below. It produced a giant tsunami. With his machine, he turned it towards Burpton Island. "Say your last words, Bella, because you're going to be crushed by your beloved sea."

Bella opened up a letter in her paws, as she began reading it. It had been two days since she had returned to the Octopod and written a letter to her mother.

Dear sweetheart,

I'm so glad to know that you're okay! The Octonauts are a nice family, indeed. Of course I'll teach you to sew! Those african cushions must look lovely!

Benjamin is doing marvellous, as well as the twins, who are just learning to take their first steps! Babies do grow up so fast. :(

Do you remember what your grandfather said to you when you were little, in that easter egg hunt? He always told you, "Always trust your nose!" And in my opinion, darling, you should always trust your gut feeling, too. My one has always been right, so I expect yours will be as well!

Do be careful, and don't do anything silly. Listen to the Captain, and obey any of his orders he gives to you! I know you're safe in the Octopod, so I needn't worry.

Love, Barbara

The beagle sighed, folding it up and placing it on her dresser. What do I do now, Bethany? she thought.

Her thoughts were interrupted as she heard sudden music coming from a pod. Sparked with curiosity, Bella ran toward the Octo-chute, jumping inside it. She raced along several hallways, following the music.

She then came to a stop to Barnacles's room. The music suddenly stopped, and a loud frustrated growl could be heard from the inside. Bella knocked on the door, and it opened.

"Oh, hello, Bella." He greeted with a smile. "You heard my accordian, didn't you?"

Bella nodded politely. "Yes. It was lovely listening to it. My father Boris playa the accordian, but he never got to teach me yet."

Barnacles raised an eyebrow. "Boris, hmm?I have a friend named that. Perhaps I should teach you?" Bella widened her eyes. "Really?" she asked.

He laughed. "Of course!"


I had no idea how else to end this chapter, so I decided to close it off like that. Hope you dont mind. :D

Eye of the StormTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon