Tanya the Tiger

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Uppppddaaaatting time again! * u *


"Tanya?" Kwazii echoed, confused. Bella sighed. "A friend of ours. She's a tiger, and, well, rather devilish and rebellious, you see."

"Tanya stowed away with us on the aeorplane? No way!" Zoe scowled in annoyance. "I thought she was visiting her family in her jungle home!"

"Aye. That's what I came to warn you about, you see. A tiger wanted to come into the Octopod and demanded to see both of you. She, like you two, was wounded pretty bad, but she refused to let Peso touch her." Kwazii explained.

Bella laughed. "That is so like her, of course! Where is she now?" Her question was soon answered as Tanya herself leapt in.

"Tan! Why did you stow away?" Bella asked, glaring at her. Tanya scoffed. "Lighten up, please. I tried going after you to warn you about an incoming storm, but of course you didn't hear me. I made my choice. I hid into the boot of the aeorplane." She grinned proudly.

"Well, look at you! You're wounded pretty bad - you need some bandages right away!" Peso scolded her. Tanya growled at him in annoyance. "I can handle myself." This made the penguin step away from her nervously as he eyed her sharp claws.

"Don't worry Peso, she'll come around soon." Bella said calmly, frowning at the stubborn proud tiger who rudely stuck out her tongue at her. "And by the way Tanya, your pet tarantula gave away your secret.."

"Heya Tom, how's it going?" The tiger forgot about Peso and Bella as she picked up the spider, stroking his fur as it looked up at her. Kwazii screamed. "Put it down! It may bite!"

"Pffft, it can't bite me as long as its talons are cut off. Did you even look?" She asked with a roll of her eyes. "Don't tell me - you're afraid of something you can squash easily?"

"W-Well, of course.."

"Oh please! How is he gonna hurt you?" Tanya scoffed, sitting down on a bed. Peso sneaked up behind her and before she knew it, her wounds were wrapped up in bandages. She growled at him, but didn't say anything. "Thanks, I guess.. Not that I needed help.." the grumpy tiger huffed.


I didn't know how else to end this chapter, so I ended it like this. Hope you guys don't mind! <3

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