Meeting the Parents

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I'm nervous. I'm very, very nervous. Sure, I get my cat back but my parents are also going to be meeting my boyfriend for the first time. I still haven't come out to my dad either so I'm unsure how he'll react.

"Hey, baby," Johnathan says, wrapping his arms around me. "There's no need to worry."

"I know, I know,..." I mumble. "I just,.... I still haven't come out to my dad. I'm scared of how he'll react,....."

"Mmm, if he says anything rude, I'll beat his ass."

"Johnathan!" I exclaim. "He's, like, ten times your size!"

"I was in wrestling when I was in high school. I can fucking floor an old man," Johnathan snickers.

I giggle nervously. I was feeling a bit better, but my anxiety still hadn't gone away.


There was a loud knocking on the door after dinner had been finished. I sit up from my place on the couch, where my head was in Johnathan's lap.

"That'll be them," I mumble, getting up.

I head over to the door. The knocking grew louder as I walked over.

"I'm coming, I'm coming," I state, hand on the handle.

I swing the door open and two figures greet me. My mom exclaims and pulls me into her arms.

"Sal!" she hugs me tight.

"Hey Mom," I smile.

"Hey buddy," Dad says, a grin on his face.

"Dad," I reply, biting back laughter. "Come in you guys."

Mom lets me go and we all head in. Johnathan gets up to greet my parents.

"It's nice to finally meet Sal's parents. I'm Johnathan," he says, holding out his hand to my dad.

Dad shakes my boyfriend's hand firmly. "You as well, son."

Dad sets down the cat carrier down and lets Gizmo out. The fat Maine Coon purrs and winds around my legs.

"Hey, Giz," I say, leaning down to pet him.

"Didn't know your cat was going to be so fat," Johnathan teases.

"Shut up," I giggle.

Mom seemed to notice there was something between me and Johnathan, but didn't say anything. Thankfully. I wanted to tell Dad myself, but I didn't feel quite ready yet.

"We already finished dinner, but can we get you guys anything?" Johnathan offers.

"That would be great. The flight was very long," Dad says with a sigh.


I take couple deep breaths to calm myself. I'd ducked into the bathroom to hide for a few moments. I needed to tell Dad eventually, right? Like, he'd probably be seeing me and Johnathan coming out of our room, but I want to actually tell him myself. I finally calm down and walk out the door.

Mom and Dad seemed to like Johnathan well enough, even if they were a bit prejudiced against people like him. I smile gratefully, hoping that this meant Dad would be ok with my relationship, maybe.

Initially, I was going to have Sal coming out to his dad in this chapter, but I couldn't find a way to flow into that (which is why this chapter took so long). anyways, I hope you liked this, my lovelies and stay safe!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2021 ⏰

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