A Fresh Start

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I glance out the window of our small car. Our two cats, Gizmo and Lilac, meow in their crates, anxious to get out. My parents talk quietly in the front as our new home comes into view.

"Are you sure you're alright with such a cheap apartment, Diane?" My father, Henry, asks my mom.

"It's better then that hellhole we called a home." Mom responds, her voice muffled by the prothstetic she wore.

I look at my own prothstetic in the reflection on the glass. It was white with a pale pink portion over my right eye. Mom's was a pale pink, her favorite color, and a portion over her right eye was white. I smile to myself, remembering the day we both picked out our new faces.

"Ready to explore our new home, Sally?" Mom asks me, bringing me out of my thoughts.

I shrug. "Dunno. This place seems kind of,... weird."

"You'll learn to love it over time." Dad says.

I roll my working eye and look up at the building as we pull into the parking lot. It was a five story brick building with a possible basement level. A lot to explore. Not that I was going to do that right now. I needed to help my parents move in.

"Alright. Sal, why don't you grab Gizmo and Lilac. Your dad will drop off the paperwork while we get started." Mom tells me as we am start to pile out of the car.

I nod, grabbing the crates in either hand and following my mother inside. She had a couple boxes that belonged to the kitchen in her arms. We walk past the mail and a few apartments before stepping into the elevator. A Hispanic woman stood in there with a mop bucket and mop. Her frizzy hair curled gently around her face like a pillow.

"You must be the new tenants." She says with a smile. "I'm Lisa. The janitor here."

"I'm Diane, this is my son Sal, and my husband, Henry, is filling out paperwork for Mr. Addison." Mom says kindly.

Lisa smiles. "You know, I have a son as well. I think he and Sal would get along."

"I might just send him down." Mom looks at me, knowing I hate it when she sets up little 'playdates' for me.

I narrow my eyes at her. The elevator dings as it reaches the 2nd floor.

"I'll see you around." Lisa rolls her mop bucket out of the elevator and we ascend higher.

Once we reach the 4th floor, we're greeted by a sight we didn't expect.

Little kids run up and down the hall. One, a young girl with purple hair, passes by us and backs up a bit when she sees us.

"Hi!" She greets. "You're the new neighbors?"

Mom nods. "That's us. What's your name, sweetie?"

"I'm Megan!"

"Nice to meet you."

I step out of the elevator. Mom joins me. She says goodbye to Megan as we head to our apartment. Number 402 was close to the elevator, thankfully. Mom has me unlock the door and we head inside. I set down one of the crates and close the door behind us. I then let out the two cats. Gizmo, our fat orange and white Maine Coon, exits first, stretching. Lilac, a dainty grey Persian with oddly purple eyes, is next. She and Gizmo look around the apartment.

"I'm gonna go help Dad get more boxes out of the car." I mumble to Mom as I leave.


Larry POV

I lean back against the wall of my treehouse. A girl with stark white hair sits on the bean bag across from me, sketching a landscape.

"Hey, Z." I say coolly, catching Zara's attention.

"Yeah, Lar?" She asks.

"You see the new tenants?" I ask.

"Yeah. I can see their car from where I'm sitting." Zara responds, going back to her drawing. "The father and the kid both have blue hair, the mother is a blonde. The kid and the mom both wear masks and they appear to have two animals."

I smile. I've always admired my friend's sharp eyes. Honestly, I think she'd be a great sniper. And I've told her so. Zara told me that was stupid and how she didn't want to hurt anyone.

"How's it coming along?"

"I can't quite capture the look of the dead tree by the lake." Zara replies, narrowing her visible purple eye.

"Lemme see." She hands me her sketchpad.

I look it over. Then I point to a branch. "It's in the wrong place. And you should add a few dead twigs on the ground, like there normally is."

Zara nods gratefully, taking it back. "Thanks, Larry. You've always had an eye for art."

I smile proudly. "Thank you, I know I do."

"Don't let it go to your head." The white-haired girl snorts.

She glances at her watch and her eye widens. I look at her, knowing what she was going to say next.

"Go. I know the Witch will get you in trouble if you don't go now." I say knowingly.

"Thanks. I don't want to risk it again today. They both got so mad yesterday." She says, grabbing her things.

I nod. "I'll see you tomorrow for movies?"


Ah, her iconic answer.

"Ok. See you."


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