Art Lessons

46 2 1

Annabelle POV

I exit my apartment earlier than usual then I would on a Saturday. But I had to. Metal and Art was scheduled today. And I was pretty sure the new kid was gonna join us. I spot him coming out of his own apartment, messing with his hair.

"Hey, Sally Face." I say, waving.

He'd been hanging out with us a lot since Tuesday and we all had begun to use the nickname for him, at his request.

"Hey, Annabelle." Sal replies, still struggling with his hair as we step into the elevator.

"Here, lemme help. Pigtails are gonna get in the way." I say, taking the elastic out of his hand.

Sal nods and lets me do his hair on our way down to the basement. I pull his hair up into a high ponytail as all his hair was above the straps of his prothstetic. I pull my own hair into a low ponytail. The elevator dings.

"After you." Sal says sarcastically.

"What a gentleman!" I exclaim, stepping out dramatically.

Sal knocks on Larry's apartment door. His mom opens it up.

"Come on in!" Lisa says, knowing why we were here. "LarBear and Zara are in his room already."

We thank her and go into Larry's room. Larry and Zara were having an animated conversation about God knows what.

Those two have their own language sometimes, I swear.

"Hey, you two." I interrupt their conversation.

"Hey!" Zara turns to look at us.

She had all her hair pulled back today in a high bun. I hear Sal suck in his breath as he sees the rest of Zara's face. I had too, when I first saw it.

Her other eye was a milky white, as it was blind. She had a nasty scar over that same eye. But today, there was a bandage on her other cheek. I assumed something had happened at home again and didn't question it.

Sal seemed to ignore the scar over Zara's eye and studies the bandage. "Are you ok, Z?"

"It's nothing. I accidentally cut myself while making dinner last night." Zara is waves the question away.


I narrow my eyes at Zara but back off. Honestly, I think Annabelle and Larry were expecting me to react more to her scar then her new wound. I see scars all the time.

"Ash said she can't come so let's get started." Larry says.

Annabelle goes to an easel and begins to squeeze out paints. Zara stays sitting on Larry's bed with her sketchpad. Larry goes to turn on his stereo. I walk over to an easel and begin to squeeze out paints as well. I wasn't that good, but I could try. Suddenly, loud music starts to blare from the speakers.

"Oh, hell yeah!" Zara yells. "Is this their new album?!"

"Obviously!" Larry yells back.

I start to get used to the heavy beat. I find it helps me keep up the pace and not lose inspiration.

Hey, everyone who probably isn't reading this. I felt I had to at least show how I envision on OCs so I drew family portraits

Zara's family, or the Wilsons

Annabelle's family, or the Watsons

I'll do a more in depth bio type thing for both of them later

Our Best Lives (Sally Face x Larry)Where stories live. Discover now