The Mess

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Larry POV

I fucked up. I fucked up really bad. I fucked up, I fucked up, I fucked up, Ifuckedup, Ifucked-

God, why did I have to be such an asshole to him? I'm such a mess!

Every day since the party, Sal hasn't even looked at me. He spends more and more time out of the house and hell, he's constantly ignoring me even if I contribute anything to a conversation that is even remotely important.

I'm so fucking dumb! I shouldn't have said anything to him! I shouldn't have let my emotions get the better if me!

I bury myself beneath my blankets. I refuse to come out right now. I don't want to endure the cold shoulder from the guy I was best friends with until that night. I groan in pity of myself.


Sal moved out.

I think it was my fault.

I should've told him about what happened to her.

He's even angrier at me.

He's angry with Todd and Neil too.

I shouldn't have hidden her death from him.

I knew he'd be mad I hid what happened from him.

Why can't I stop thinking about what might happen and just tell him?

The things I'm hiding are just coming back to bite me in the ass.

God, I'm so stupid.

Sal, I'm sorry.

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