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I wake up a lot later than usual. I guess not getting enough sleep can do that to you. Groggily, I start to get ready for the day.

As I head out the door (as I'd rather eat out than eat the rabbit food Todd was making us eat), I say goodbye to a groggy Larry, who was laying on the couch. I tie up my hair as I walk to the nearest fast food place.


I glance at the menu as I wait in line.

Guess I'll just get a breakfast sandwich. I decide.

??? POV

I'm sitting at a table when I notice a person who stands out. He had bright blue hair and a mask. I smile to myself, deciding to use him as my next target.


I take my food, thanking the woman at the counter. As I walk out of the store, I run into someone.

"Oh, God. I'm so sorry!" I say, flustered.

"Ah, no need to apologize. That was my fault." The man says, laughing a bit. "Is your food ok?"

I take a look at my breakfast. "Oh, it's just fine." I say.

I glance up at the man. He had a bit of a beard and some piercings. He was kinda hot.

"Johnathan. Johnathan Wight." He holds out his hand to me.

"Sal Fisher, but my friends call me Sally Face." I reply, shaking it.

Our Best Lives (Sally Face x Larry)Where stories live. Discover now