The Date pt. 2

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I was feeling really giddy. An attractive guy had ACTUALLY asked me out. It was crazy.

As I picked out an outfit for tonight, I go over the conversation Larry and I had the day Johnathan had asked me out in my head.

"That's great, dude," Larry says, smiling at me. "I'm surprised a gremlin like you was actually able to do it."

"Shut up, Larry," I laugh. "You'd be surprised at how my charm can bring people into my clutches."

The thing that bothered me about that conversation was the pain in Larry's eyes. I didn't understand why he looked so hurt.

Maybe he's just jealous I got a date before he did. I assure myself.

"Hey, Sal! Your date is here!" I hear Neil yell at me.

"Tell him I'm coming!" I yell back, pulling on the outfit.

I come running out of my room and into the kitchen. Johnathan was standing in the doorway, chatting with Neil. He smiles when he sees me.

"Hey." He greets.

"Hi." I respond.


I return late. Johnathan and I had dinner together before going to see a movie, which ended around 11. Afterwards, he asked me if I wanted to go out with him again sometime, to which I agreed to. I was so happy and excited. I'd never had someone who actually wanted to be with me romantically. I'd always been stuck in the friendzone.

I enter the house. Everyone was quite obviously asleep, as I could hear Larry snoring from his room and the door to Todd and Neil's room was closed. I quietly head to my room.

Our Best Lives (Sally Face x Larry)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora