Passing By

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It's been four years since we left. Mom and Dad decided to finally settle in a middle of nowhere town called Pocatello in Idaho. (Lol, I live near there). I moved out and was slowly making my way back to Nockfell. I'd kept in contact with the gang secretly so they knew I was coming. Right now, I was in a neighboring town to it. So very, very close. I was getting some food so I'd be ready to leave for Nockfell in the morning, when I run into someone familiar.

"Oh my God." A familiar voice says from behind me.

I freeze. A smile, for the first time in years, appears on my face. I spin around to see Ash.

"Ash!" I say, running to hug her.

She squeezes me close. "Ah! It's been so long!"

"What are you doing here?! I thought you were still living in Nockfell!" I say, pulling back to look at her.

She'd cut her hair.

"You cut your hair!" I gasp.

"I guess I forgot to tell you." Ash says sheepishly. "You know about all the other guy's stuff, but not mine."

I look confused. "Is there something else you're not telling me?"

"Shortly before you left, I started to feel more,... male, you could say. I wasn't comfortable with being openly trans until Junior year." Ash says.

"Oh!" I smile. "Well, I'm glad you're being you."

Ash smiles back. "Should I tell the guys how close you are?"

"No, I want to show up at their door and surprise them."

"Where are you staying?" Ash asks.

"That hotel just down the street." I say.

Ash grins at me. "I'll be going. Text me as soon as you can."

"Will do."

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