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Larry POV

I couldn't understand why Zara had done it. Sure, her dad was abusive but she said she wouldn't let that beat her down. She had PLANS for the future. I was still wondering why by the time school rolled back around.

"Man. Summer sure seemed short, didn't it?" Annabelle says as we all walked to school the first day.

"Yeah." Sal agrees, sounding dejected.

"I for one am grateful for a distraction from Zara's death." Todd says.

We all murmur our agreement. Once at school, we part ways to go to our lockers. I pull out my schedule and look for Sal, who's locker was close to mine.

"What do you have for first hour?" I ask him.

"English. You?" He asks.

"Science." I groan.

"Here, lemme see what we have together." He snatches my schedule out of my hand.

I laugh a bit.

"We have Art together. And Math. Other than that we're apart." Sal says, handing me my schedule back.

"That sucks ass." I say, disappointed.

"Yeah." Sal agrees.

We head to our respective classes.


Lunch finally came. We all sat together but the table seemed empty with one of us missing. We chatted, but it wasn't about anything important.

"Hey, guys." We all look up to see Maple, another friend of ours, with her boyfriend Chug.

"Hey, Maple." I say.

Todd gives his usual greeting while the rest wave.

"I'm holding a party at my place this weekend, you guys wanna come?" She asks.

"If there's booze and rock music, I'm there." I say.

Sal smacks my arm. "Lar! We're underage!"

"My parents won't be home so there will be plenty of booze." Maple confirms.

"I'm down. How about you guys?" I say.

"I'll go." Ash says.

"Me too." Annabelle says softly.

"I'll go." Sal sighs.

"Oh, Todd, Neil's gonna be there." Maple says as Todd opens his mouth to say no.

Todd goes quiet, obviously conflicted. We wait patiently.

"I'll go. But only to watch over you idiots, not for any other reason." Todd says.

We cheer.

Our Best Lives (Sally Face x Larry)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz