The Call

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I couldn't believe my friends hid something like that from me. They should've told me Annabelle had died! I was angry. No, I was LIVID. I hated them so much.

My thoughts were interrupted by my phone. I pick it up.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Hi, Sal," Mom's voice comes through the phone.

"Mom!" I exclaim, smiling.

"How are you?" Mom asks.

"I'm good, how about you and dad?"

"We're doing well. Gizmo sure misses you," Mom chuckles.

"I miss him too," I say, thinking back to all the panic attacks I've been having since I'd left.

"So, on that note, your dad and I are coming to visit, would you like us to bring him with?" Mom asks.

"That would be awesome, thanks," I sigh in relief.

Johnathan comes out of the bathroom. He pauses when he sees I'm on the phone.

"Who is that?" he mouths.

"My mom," I mouth back.

"Would you mind texting us your current address?" Mom continues with plans.

"Yeah, I can do that. I'm actually not living with the guys anymore, so you'll be going somewhere else," I explain.

"Oh?" Mom sounded confused.

"I'll explain when you guys get here," I smile to myself. "When are you guys leaving?"

"A couple days, at the least,"

"Ok. I'll see you guys soon. Bye, Mom," I hang up after a lot of "I love you"s and "see you soon"s.

"So, your parents are visiting?" Johnathan asks.

"Yeah. They're also bringing my cat," I say.

"That's good. Any ideas of how I can convince them I'm a good person for you?" Johnathan laughs.

"They'll love you, no worries," I laugh too. "My dad may be a bit of a critic when he first meets you, but he'll warm up to you."

"That's good," my boyfriend smiles at me.

I smile back and shove my phone into my pocket.

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