Holiday Party

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This is going to be another long chapter so buckle up for angst and F E E L S

In this story, Ash is trans! If you remember from the chapter "Passing By", it mentions that! I'm only saying this so that you don't get confused with the pronouns I used for Ash

Larry POV

Days pass.

Then weeks pass.

And months pass.

Pretty soon, it was nearly Christmas. Ash was visiting for the holidays. Todd was obsessing about holding a get-together for the holiday. I, on the other hand, didn't want to do much but sleep.

"Do you guys mind if I invite Johnathan?" Sal asks one day.

"It's fine. I'd like to actually have a proper conversation with him anyways," Todd says.

"Great! I'll let him know!" Sal seemed to smile.

I'm glad Sal was smiling more. I really am. I just wish I'd gotten the chance to tell Sal my feelings without it being awkward. Sal had a boyfriend now, for God's sake. Professing my love for him now would only end in a huge chasm between us.


The day of the party had arrived. Ash had gone shopping and when he got back, he was grinning and carrying a bottle of wine. Johnathan arrived late, but even that didn't deter Todd from having his conversation with him. Sal spent a lot of time talking to Neil, probably asking for relationship advice or some shit. I sat on the couch most of the time, drawing. I just wanted to sleep but Todd wouldn't let me. And so, here I was.

"Hey, Larry,"

I look up at Ash's voice. He had a glass in his hand and he offers it to me.

"You seem like you need it," Ash gives a laugh.

"Thanks, man," I take the glass.

But Ash doesn't leave. Instead, he sits beside me.

"You're really out of it, tonight, Larry," Ash's voice was soft, not like he was shy about it, but in a comforting way. "You ok?"

"Not really. I just want to sleep,..." I sigh.

"That is a true mood," Ash grins.

I laugh. It was nice to chat with a friend. Ash and I were the only ones still single in the group now, so we gotta work together now.

"Cheers," I say, knocking back the drink.


I could see Larry and Ash talking together on the couch across the room. I glance over to the kitchen table to see Todd and Neil talking animatedly about,.... something,.... Johnathan and I were standing in the kitchen together as I looked over the room.

Where's Annie? I wonder. She'd never miss this.

"Sally, you alright?"

I look to my boyfriend. "Yeah, I'm fine. What's up?"

"You zoned out for a second there," he laughs.

I smile. "Sorry. Didn't mean to."


A couple hours passed. That's when I saw Larry walk outside. Up until now, he'd been sitting by himself, or with Ash, either drawing or drinking. I'm pretty sure he was very drunk by now so I follow him out to make sure he didn't die.

I see Larry sitting on the porch once I get outside. Snow was falling. It made the well manicured lawn look really pretty. I sit beside my best friend.

"Hey Larry," I say.

"Hey," he mumbles, not taking his eyes off the lawn.

"You ok? You seem kinda out of it," I say.

Larry laughs dryly. "You're the second person who's said that to me."

I glance at Larry and look him over. Ever since I started dating, he'd seemed easily irritated. It was so unlike him.

"Lar, what's going on? You've been acting weird."

"It's nothing, Sal. I just haven't been sleeping well," he responds.

Even drunk he can lie really well,... "Then why are you so intent on avoiding me?"

Larry stays quiet.

"God, I was right," I growl, standing. "You really have changed. You're not the guy I used to know."

And with that, I return inside, leaving Larry outside.

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