Making Up/The Mötley Interview

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Chapter starts after the therapy ' date '. Then skips two weeks to the interview. Enjoy....

Mick couldn't understand why or how but for the first time in a long time they actually made love, not just sex, but they became one.

Rebel was breathing heavily next to him on the bed. "You okay Princess?" Mick asked softly with a smirk on his face. The girl gulped glancing at him. "Yea you-You just really gave it all and- I love you." She muttered looking him over. "You started it busting into the office like that." Mick muttered with a look. "Why did you? Not that I'm complaining or anything."

"I just-I- I mean I wanted the fighting to stop." She said shrugging. "And it will." Mick promised kissing her shoulder before he stood up to go to the bathroom. "Hey did I tell you we finished the album?" He asked from the other room. "N-No." Rebel muttered, sitting up in bed. "Hows yours coming along?" Mick asked washing his hand. "Close enough I guess." Mick sighed. "And what about Vince? Hows he doing with everything?" Mick asked looking his face over in the bathroom mirror, he really felt like shaving.

"Um- Okay with all things considered. W-Why?" She asked nervously watching him walk back into the bedroom.

Mick sighed sitting down on the edge of the bed, his body not liking the idea. "I'm worried about him." Mick said honestly looking to his wife. "Found out the reason Tommy voted him out was because he told Heather about the other girl, so of course Tommy blames Vince for his divorce and not his own actions. Like the over grown child that he his." The man said with a roll of his eyes. Rebel hummed agreeing that much, she loved Tommy Lee, after all he helped her in a time when she had nothing to her name, the goof ball helped her find her cousin and could also be credited with her and Mick finally ending up together, but with all that in mind the drummer was still a big child. He never thought before he did something, never thought about other people or just others feelings and at the moment Tommy was being a hard head not wanting Vince around and that pissed Rebel off to no end.

"And you know Nikki didn't want to be around the drugs." Mick added softly. Rebel sighed. "I know- I get Nikki's reasons but still- Vince has stopped everything again- It was only after Stephanie di-." Rebel paused and started playing with her hands. "It was only after the incredible loss of his daughter that he went back into that dark place- But he's turned around again- Focusing on his other kids, B-Beth and the solo." Mick shook his head. "You know that what I had to say in the end had no real meaning after the Idiot Twins both voted Princess, I miss having Vince in the studio- But I do happen to think the new kid has talent and he plays guitar too so-."

Rebel playfully kicked him on the side. "What happened to Look here Princess theres only room in this band of idiots for one guitarist, so why don't you pack up your dolls and shit and go home?"

She asked with a playful look. Mick licked his lips looking over his naked wife. "Well see two main differences since then baby." Rebel crossed her arms with a smirk on her lips. "Such as?"

Mick chuckled rubbing her leg. "Your not gonna like it, but number one back then you couldn't play the guitar to save your sexy ass and-." She huffed sitting up on the matress. "Your brilliant at it now- But you did have a great wise teacher." He added. Rebel scoffed. "Isn't wise just another word for old?" She asked uncrossing her arms. Mick snickered.

"What's the second reason?" She asked regretting it as soon as the spark left his eyes. "Um- Now having another helps because of-Well my spin and all- Back then I didn't understand real pain- This is um- I can't see how it gets any worse than this." Rebel sighed not knowing if she should bring up the hip replacement surgery's again- After all things were going okay.

"Princess?" Rebels eyes snapped to Mick. "Huh?" The man was looking at his hands with what almost seemed like a dark cloud over him. "I-I love you and I hate the doctor- I hate people poking in my head and I-I think as of right now we can work this out together- Just me and you- When we feel like we need to talk then we talk okay?" Mick asked softly with a loving light in his eyes. One she hadn't seen in what felt like a long time.

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