Chapter 3

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Shinna had a Dream that she was in the woods all alone it was silent no sound or voice to be herd not even a single breeze of wind. She yelled out "hello is anyone out here ?" am i all aone she asked herself. Shinne started to walk around in the woods looking and listening if it was possiable that anyone was out here, or if she was all alone. She recongnized a whimmper nearby. Shinna walked to where the noise was. It was a dog it looked strange, his mouth appears to look like a smile his fur was a weird shade of red. He looked hurt so I made my way to the hurt dog that had a smile on his face. I knelt down and reached mt hands out to see if he bite me or if he's friendly he sniffed my hand and licked it so I was guessing it liked me.

He looks weird but I needed to help him out he was hurt. So I motioned him to try to stand up and he stood and ran in a different directions and started barking I looked towards the way he ran. He ran to a guy wearing a white hoodie. I saw he had blood all over him. He looked at me I knew who the guy was so I called out his name but he didn't reply he raised something in his right hand it was dripping red fresh blood. I was startled and stood still for a few minutes until he snickers saying "Go to Sleep"

"W..what ?"

"Did I stuttered"

"No but"

"But nothing just die"

He started to run at a fast pace towards me I was confused but scared so I started running from him. I ran for a couple minutes I could hear him from me. I ran through bushes and limps. Dodging all of them, I looked back to see how far he was, he was close I ran faster but when I turned back to NY direction I ran into a stump and tripped and rolled down a hill and on the way down my body was slammed into a lark tree trunk and lost my breath and balance to stand up. I was coughing and struggling for air my vision was very blurry. When my vision came back I could see him in my face he gripped my throat and rised me in the air, I started gasping for air but his gripp tightened and I could tell my face was probley red and purple bout right now. I herd a voice yelling at him to stop. I looked over I couldn't see who it was all I saw was black. I Hurd footsteps coming my way I almost got t see or hear who it was, but I woke up to Ben jumping on the bed.

I sat up and pushed Ben off n started crying but where been couldn't notice. Until he herd my sniffling.

Ben: whoa whoa what's wrong shinna ?

Shinna: jeff tried to kill me.... I had a dream it felt so real but someone saved me I was about to see who it was but you woke me up.

Ben: jeff wouldn't do that because he lik.... Never mind but he wouldn't do that.

Shinna: wait what ? Jeff likes me?

*cough cough cough*

Ben: uhhh *rubs back of neck* hey Jeffrey hah umm how long you been there ?

Jeff: long enough ! Man what the hell you promised !

Shinna: wait what first of all why are y'all in my house ? And .... You like me ?

Jeff: we all like you !

Shinna: oh * blushing*

I gadda go to school ok bye need to take a shower alright.

Hehe I love this chapter ahaha but anyways how is my book so far and I need to add some characters in the food for the future chapters anyone wanna be in it ? :3

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