Chapter 8

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After shinna and jeff got together jeff wanted to protect shinna with his life because theres Zalgo out there that will try to kill her if they found out jeffs dating an human being. Shinna and jeff hasnt really have sex yet jeff doesnt wanna hurt her or rush her into anything not till she is ready.

Shinna and Jeff got off the bed and walked down stairs to get something to eat. Everyone was staring at them and snickering as they walked by.

Jeff: what are yall laughing and snickering att weirdos

Ben: have fun buddy (winky face)

Jack: yea have fun (whispering in jeffs ear) did you use a condom or nah ? dont wanna have small jeff or small shinna running round the mansion we have enough with sally hyper ass !

Shinna: you all are mean sallys really sweet nice and pretty.

Ben: wait till you make her angry or dont do what she ask such as play with her she get her teddy bear after you in a split second hun

Shinna: well easy i wont make her mad and she wont ever hurt me !

Sally: i wouldnt hurt her jeffy

Jeff: dont call me that brat

Sally: slendy say dont call me that (she growls)

After sally and jeff fought over them calling each other what they hated being called slenderman made jeffs ears ring and hurt and picked sally up and teleported away. Jeff got up a couple minutes after laying on the floor like a dead rat, and started rubbing his head in owe. I dont understand why they didnt kill me already. Exspecially slenderman i thought i be dead when he saw me but im still alive. Thats a shocking surprise if i have to say myself.

Jeff: welp i guess that sort of went well unless hes coming back for you (laughing) but dont worry im pretty sure we will work this out and besides you have something he likes about you thats why your still alive we just dont know what it is yet alright shinny baby !

Shinna: ummm well what do you think he likes about me or not one of yall knows at all ? and baby ? i like that word no one has ever called me that before besides my dad but thats family and that was like five years ago.

Ben: so ..... yall are going out now since yall flirting and smiling and all and jeff called you baby..... ?

Jeff: yeap i asked her out and surprisingly she said yea !

Shinna: why wouldnt i say yes jeff i mean besides you eye balls your perfect (giggles)

Jeff: (rolls his eyes) whatever you know you can resist this body sexy !

After ab good 30 minutes of shinna and jeff chating everyone left them alone because things started happening with their mouths and tounges and got disgusted exspecially Masky and hoodie who was always childish.

Shinna !!!!! Jeff !!!!! Slenderman scretched in their head making them cover their ears which didnt help one bit.

Jeff: what !! why did you have to scream in our heads that fucking hurts you know your gon....

Slenderman: shut up and listen you too (saying through their minds remember guys)

Jeff: ok ok so what you need to talk to us about ?

Slenderman: well first of all she has to stay here ! understand shinna ? you cant leave so forget about going back to school and seeing your parents again because you cant be seen from this point on or you might get hurt now that you know everyone or almost everyone !! and jeff your gonna have to stay beside shinna as much as you can and if you cant the others will watch and protect her ! (sign) Me and you gatta talk alone ok jeff i just need to tell shinna some things and let her know whats going on.

Jeff:(signs) ok

Shinna: hold it why cant i go back to school and to my parents why i gatta stay here ill get bored and shit !!! (screaming to the top of her lungs) i mean i live with my mom you know and i have friends at school my dad doesnt care about me no one does but id like to keep going to school screw my mom and brother they dont even care about me.

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