Story 16: The Storm

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A husband and wife with their two sons are sitting at home watching TV. A news report appears on the TV is reporting a flash flood heading towards their area. The mother tells her sons to head to the garage and the father grabs life jackets from the closet. They all reach the garage where there is a small fishing boat hanging. The mother unhooks the boat while the father opens the garage. As the garage opens water begins entering the garage. The mother hops on the boat with her two sons. The Dad tries to make it to the boat but a sudden torrent of water washes Dad away. The boys cry out in despair as they watch their father get swept away by the flood. The mother weeps in sorrow and despair. The boat gets swept out of the garage and soon, the mother and her sons find themselves in the middle of what used to be their neighborhood. They all hold onto the boat tightly.

"Just stay with me! You will be safe!" The mother yells, holding onto her sons tightly.

The canoe begins rocking back and forth rapidly. The mother begins losing her grip on the edges.

"Mommy, I am slipping!" One of the boys yells.

"Just hold on!" The mom yells.

The boy is near the edge of the boat and his head is hanging over the water.

"SOMEONE SAVE US!!!" The mother yells at the top of her lungs.

A lightning bolt hits a tree next to the canoe and it catches on fire. The tree tips over and hits the canoe, slowly sinking it. The mother holds her boys' hands as they slowly sink into the rapidly moving water.

"GOD SAVE US!!!" She calls out.

They slowly become submerged into the rapidly moving water and become split apart from each other. The mother tries to maintain her grip on her sons but the moving water is too powerful. Her sons get swept away from her by the current of the flood. The mother gets pulled in a different direction by the flood. Her body hits against debris and she finds herself being dragged along the ground.

"Save me please!" She whispers as her lungs begin to give out.

Suddenly she feels something grab her arm. She looks up and sees a man standing over her on the surface of the water. The man easily pulls the woman out of the water and sets her on top of a boat. The woman coughs the water out of her lungs and breathes rapidly.

"Thank you!"

"Are you alright?" The man asks.

"Yes, but where are my kids?"

The man looks towards a building and sees two little boys standing on top of the rooftop. The mother is stunned and looks at the man in awe.

"Who are you?" The woman asks.

"I am Jesus, Sarah!"

Sarah's eyes widen.


"It's good to see you, Sarah," Jesus says, smiling.

Sarah looks around.

"Where is my husband? Is he still alive?"

Jesus' smile turns to a sad frown.

"I am sorry, Sarah!"

Anger enters Sarah and she bolts up from sitting. She begins hitting Jesus on his chest in despair.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU SAVE HIM??!!" Sarah asks, sobbing immensly.

"It's okay to be angry, Sarah. You can let it out," Jesus replies.

Sarah continues hitting Jesus' chest and sobbing. After a while, she begins to cease and stops hitting Jesus. She falls to the ground and lowers her head in despair.

"You-You could have saved him!" She yells, continuing to look down at the ground.

She feels a hand touch her chin. The hand raises her head up and she sees Jesus looking at her with a sympathetic gaze.

"I know."

"Then why didn't you?!" She asks.

"Everything works in God's timing, Sarah. I know that it hurts that he is gone but know that he is at peace now. He has lived a long, good life but it was time for him to come home."

"But what about my kids?! How are they going to live without a father?"

"They have a father though. Have you forgotten about the One who sits on the throne in Heaven?"

Sarah soon realizes this and her crying begins to stop.

"And He will never leave my boys?"

"You have read His Word, right? What does it tell you?"

"I want to believe but it's really hard with everything that is going on right now!"

"I understand but just remember that no matter what storm you go through, I am with you through it all! I am always with you and I will never leave them or you!"

Sarah wraps her arms around Jesus and hugs him tightly.

"Thank you!" She says.

She lets go of Jesus who turns around and begins to walk away. Sarah puts a hand on his shoulder.

"Wait! So what do we do now? What is going to happen?"

Jesus turns around and smiles at Sarah.

"Don't place your mind on what's going to be. Keep your focus on what is now. Everything will happen according to God's plan and His plan is always good. I love you, Sarah, and don't forget that!"

Jesus walks off and vanishes into thin air. Sarah runs to reunite with her boys and embraces them into her arms.

"You're safe now, boys! We have God on our side!"

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