Story 23: Abortion

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Martha, a waitress who is single is serving guests at a restaurant. Suddenly she feels dizzy and her stomach starts hurting really bad.

"Joan! Can you call for the Carl? I don't feel so well!"

"What is wrong, Martha?"

"I don't know. I just started feeling lightheaded and my stomach started hurting. I am not sure if it was something I ate or-"

"You are pregnant."

"No! That can't be it! There has to be another explanation!"

"Those are very telling signs, Martha! I will let our boss know!"

Moments later, Martha's boss walks up to her.

"Go home! You are cleared for the day."

Martha begins heading to the door.

"Wait, Martha!" A voice calls out to her.

Her best friend, Joan walks up to her.

"If you want to confirm whether you are pregnant or not, use this gift card to this pharmacy that I go to. There you can buy a pregnancy test kit."

"Thank you, Joan."

Martha walks out of the door and heads to the pharmacy that her friend talked about.

"This must be the place that she was talking about."

She walks into the pharmacy and buys the kit. She walks home which is two hours away from the restaurant where she works at. Entering the house, she puts her purse down and takes the box to the couch. She opens the box.

"How do you use this?" She asks herself.

She looks at the instructions.

"Well that's... interesting," she exclaims.

She takes the reader device to the restroom and begins using it. She walks out of the restroom and reads the bar. The result is positive.

"No! This cannot be right! This must be broken! I don't want a child!" She exclaims.

She puts it down and lays on the couch, passing out.

The next couple of days she feels tired and doesn't go to work. She doesn't even call in. Her body occasionally starts hurting from time-to-time. One day her phone rings. She picks it up and answers.

"Hello?" She says.

"Where are you? You haven't shown up for the few days and our boss is getting angry! Get over here now!"

"Oh shoot!" She yells.

Martha jumps off her couch and quickly gets ready for work. She runs out of her house to the restaurant. When she arrives her boss is standing at the front door. An angry scowl covers his face.

"Where have you been?! We have had to call in workers who are on vacation because of you!"

"Let me explain! It's just-"

"It's just nothing! Don't bother coming back here again!"

A confused and worried look enters her face.

"What do you mean?"

"You're fired!" Her boss yells.

Martha looks at Joan with a devastated face and Joan walks up to her.

"I will trying explaining it to him!"

"Please don't try to help!" Martha says, walking home.

"Wait! Martha!" Joan yells out.

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