Story 5: The Rapist

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A man sits in his bed in a cell staring at a wall. He thinks about his life and what has become of it. Suddenly the door opens.

"You have a visitor?" The guard says.

"A visitor? Who?"

The guard ignores him and suddenly a man in a t-shirt and khakis walks through the door.

"Um do I know you?"

The man doesn't respond. He takes a chair and sits next to his bed.

"Wh-What do you want?!"

"Hello Paul, I have been looking forward to meeting you," The man says.

Paul is speechless.

"How-How do you know my name? Who are you?"

"The real question is who are you, Paul?" The man asks.

"I don't understand. Why are you here? Are you here to kill me?" Paul says.

"No Paul. I am here to offer you a chance of freedom."

"Freedom? What have I done to deserve freedom? I deserve to be locked in here!"

"So do you think you deserve to be loved?"

Paul thinks for a moment.

"No I don't. Who could ever love a man like me after what I have done?"

"Did you know that someone can and does love you?"

Paul is confused for a moment and scratches his head.


"However, it is a chance that you have to take on your own. I can't force you to make it."

"What are you talking about?"

"I am talking about a relationship with someone who loves you and knows you better than you know yourself."

"Who could possibly know me better than myself?"

"The one who created you."

"Sorry buddy but I have heard it all already and there is no creator in control of my destiny. I make my own decisions and I don't let anyone tell me what to do."

"And look where that has gotten you?"

Paul thinks for a moment and looks down in shame.

"You think that having control of your own life is great but you have been using it for sinful purposes."

"Are you here to judge me?" Paul asks.

"No, Paul. As I have said before I am here to offer you something better than judgement."

"And what is it?"

"Freedom from your sinful ways. Freedom that only one person can give."

"And who is that?"

"Yourself if you choose to believe."

"Believe in whom? God? Don't make me laugh. Why in the world would I choose to believe when he was never been there for me. How can he truly love me after what I have done? I don't deserve his love or anyone's love for that matter."

The man puts his hand on Paul's shoulder.

"Why couldn't he stop the kids from bullying me or prevent my Dad from hitting me and my Mom?"

"God gave them a choice and they choose the wrong path. However, God still can use you and He still loves you."


"You don't have to let your sinful past define you. You can be defined by someone else who loves you so much that He gave his one and only son for you to live in eternity. You are no different in His eyes from a thief or a liar. You can still be saved."

"No! This is all nonsense! I won't fall for this!"

"Fall for what? I am only trying to tell you the truth and the truth is that you will never find any comfort in this world or the things in it but you can find comfort in God."

Paul thinks for a moment. Suddenly tears begin to fall out of his eyes.

"Why should I be given grace after everything that I have done? What I have done to deserve grace?" He says, sobbing.

"It's not about what you deserve or what you have done. It's about Him pouring his heart out to you and offering you love that only He can give."

He looks down in shame, still crying. Tears fall down like raindrops.

"LORD forgive me please! I don't want to be defined by my actions anymore!"

"So are you will to accept him? Are you willing to accept me?"


"Yes, Paul! I am Jesus the Christ! The Redeemer!"

Fear strikes Paul and he falls to the ground.

"What are you going to do to me?!" He asks, panic-struck.

"I am not going to do anything except help you, Paul."

"Help me? Why? I have done nothing to deserve your help!"

Paul hangs his head in shame.

"I don't deserve to even look at you."

Jesus tilts Paul's head up at him.

"You are letting your sins define you but you don't have to. Not if you choose a different path."

"A different path? What do you mean?"

"Like I said before, Paul. It's about choosing to follow me. I can't make you choose. I want you to make the choice yourself."

Jesus begins to walk out of the cell.

"I hope you make the right choice, Paul."

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