Story 6: Love Not Judgement

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A girl runs down the hallway as a bunch of other girls chase her.

"Come back here, you gay freak!" One of the girls yells.

She keeps running until she finds herself cornered. The group of girls who are chasing her surround her. They grab her and push her to the ground. One of them walks up to her.

"If I ever see you at church again, we will do something much worse to you! Homosexual freaks like you don't belong in church!"

"Hey, Victoria! Someone is coming!" One of her friends yells.

They run away and the girl is left alone. She spots a man walking towards her. The man is wearing a hat and overalls. He carries a broom with him. She begins to panic and rushes to pick up her stuff. She feels a hand on her shoulder.

"It's alright. There's no need to be afraid of me, Mia," The man says.

Mia turns around and stares at the man who looks at her and gives a sympathetic smile.

"You look hurt. Do you need to see a nurse?" The man asks.

Mia puts her hand to her head and sees a drip of blood on her hand.

"No thanks, I'll be fine. Who are you and how do you know my name?" She asks.

"I work here so I know everyone who has gone to this school. I am a friend to them and I care about them all very deeply."

"Why? You hardly know any of them."

"That shouldn't matter. They are still created in the image of God and I should love His creation. Just as He loves you."

Mia scoffs in disbelief and sits down against her locker.

"Yeah well I haven't felt much love recently."

"What is bothering you?" The man asks, sitting next to her.

The girl puts her backpack on her back.

"Sorry but I need to get class and I don't feel like sharing my feelings right now. Besides it would just be a waste of time."

She begins to walk away.

"I am here for you, Mia. I am willing to listen to whatever is on your mind. It's never a waste of time to love your neighbor."

Mia stops in her tracks. She thinks for a moment and finally walks back to the man. She takes her backpack off and sits against her locker. Tears begin to fall from her face. She brings her hands to her face to prevent the man from seeing her cry.

"Why do those girls keep messing with me? They claim to be Christians but they don't show the love that I have heard about. I am a Christian but I just feel like this isn't for me."

She slams her hand against her locker.

"Ever since I came out about myself, life has been nothing but an absolute train-wreck! Am I really going to hell for being homosexual?" She yells. 

The man gently puts his hand on the girl's chin and lifts her head up.

"Whoever said this life was going to be easy? I know that people have said that being gay is a sin and while that is true they shouldn't judge you for it because they have no place to judge. However, you do need to look at yourself and ask if this is truly what God's plan for you is."

She puts her hands down and looks up in confusion.

"I just don't understand what the problem about being gay is. I am not hurting anyone and it's love, right?"

The man sighs.

"Yes, but it is not the love that was created by God. It's a love that manifests from our own selfish desires. That is why it is a sin. Because they are not honoring God. They are following their own desires instead of God's and His desires for your life are far greater."

The girl begins crying again. The man stares at her.

"However, it doesn't permanently condemn you. You still have hope in Christ. In me."

Mia and stares at the man in awe.

"You? Who are you?"

"I am someone who loves you no matter what you do or say. Someone who wants you to follow a path of righteousness. Someone who has given you the free gift of eternal life after you die."

"You mean you're-"

The man nods.

Mia is completely speechless. She hugs Jesus and bursts out in tears.

"Your people are horrible! They judge me! Condemn me!"

"There is no condemnation in me. However, you must find a way to follow His desires, not your own."

Mia nods her head.

"I will try."

Jesus hugs her.

"I am with you always, Mia. Don't be afraid."

"Will you go and talk to them?"

"I will."

Jesus walks up to the group of Christian girls.

"How are you doing?"

"Umm fine," one of the girls responds.

"Do you know that girl over there?" Jesus asks, looking at Mia.

"Her? Well sort of. I don't really associate with people like her," another girl responds

"Why not?" Jesus asks.

"Well she doesn't love like us."

"And? How does that give you the authority to be mean to her?"

"You don't understand. She is different from us!"

"Why should that matter? I still love her just as much as I love you! Have you not been commanded by God to love your neighbor?! If you really loved Jesus you should want to love others the way he does. She deserves my love just like you."

"You love us? How can you love us? You don't know us."

"I am Jesus and I don't know you."

"Wait what?!"

"Yes, Caitlyn."

"But how can you not know us? We love you?"

"You claim to love me but how does that show with your actions? I don't see any love from the way you treated that girl."

The group of girls are flabbergasted and look at each other.

"What makes you better than her? Do you honestly believe that I don't love her as much as I love you because if you do then you are wrong."

The girls begin crying.

"We are so sorry, Jesus."

Don't just apologize to me. Go repent to the girl that you bullied. I am not forcing you but I am giving you an option."

Jesus walks away, leaving the girls with a decision to make.

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