Story 25: Car Accident

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It's the middle of the day. A woman is driving in her car with 2 children in the back seat. She turns back to talk to her daughter. She looks forward and sees a car speeding towards her. The woman slams down on the break but it's too late. The two cars collide and the woman's car flips over and rolls down a hill. The woman gets out of her car and checks on her children.

"Susie?! Billy?!" She calls out.

She gets no response. She looks and sees her children unconscious. She grabs their bodies one at a time and drags them each out of the car. She puts fingers to their necks to check for a pulse but there isn't any sign of life from them.

"NO! NO!" She screams.

She looks around to see if anyone is near. She checks the other car but the driver is dead.

"Someone help! Please God!" She cries out.

She falls to her knees and begins sobbing. She lays her head on the ground in despair.

"Just end me, God!" She whispers.

She sits in the middle of the road for what seems like an hour. She continues sobbing and sobbing. Suddenly she feels a tap on her shoulder.

"Are you alright?" A male voice asks.

She turns around and sees a man standing behind her.

"I saw you in the middle of the road and wanted to make sure you were alright. This isn't a safe place to be."

The woman wipes the tears from her eyes.

"My children. They're-they're dead!"

The man looks over to the wrecked car and spots the dead bodies of the woman's children.

"Why did this happen to me?" The woman asks, loudly.

"I am sorry that this happened to you."

"I was going to celebrate my daughter's birthday."

She continues sobbing. The man pats her on the back and begins sobbing with her.

"They're not your children and yet you weep for them."

"My heart breaks for you and I suffer with you."

The woman's tears begin to cease.

"You don't need to. This isn't a a burden that I need to share with you."

"But I want to carry it with you. In fact if you give me this burden I promise to make it lighter for you."

The woman wipes the tears from her eyes and face.

"Who are you?"

The man smiles and the woman gets a warm feeling.

"I am someone who cares about you very deeply, Maggie."

"How do you know my name? We just met!"

"I have known you for your entire life, Maggie and I hate seeing you suffer. I want to help you cope with the pain."

"But you didn't answer my question: Who are you?"

"I am Jesus, Maggie and I love you more than you can even imagine."

Maggie stares at the man in disbelief.

"You-You can't be."

"I am here for you, Maggie. I always will be."

Jesus wraps his arms around Maggie and hugs her.

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