Story 15: Prosperity?

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Jesus is walking when he comes upon a huge building with a cross on the top. He hears applause coming from inside. He walks inside and looks around. He sees t-shirts and books everywhere. He opens a door which leads to a large auditorium packed with people. On the stage is a preacher who is standing behind a podium with a Bible in his hand.

"God is going to give you the skills to prosper in life. He wants you to live the best life that you can."

Jesus sighs and shakes his head. When the offering bowl gets passed out, he notices people giving large sums of money. 

"Give as much as possible to God's cause!" The preacher yells. 

A woman puts a $100 in the bowl. Jesus looks up at the preacher and stares at him with a frown and shakes his head. When the service is over, Jesus walks out of the auditorium. He watches as people buy t-shirts and books at tables. He walks over to one of the tables and begins flipping it. He flips another table and people look on in shock and horror. Jesus feels a hand on his shoulder and looks over. He sees the preacher grabbing his arm.

"STOP! What are you doing?!" He asks, mortified.

Jesus turns and looks at the preacher with an expression of sadness.

"Your messages are no better than the Pharisees of old! Your "church" claims to love my Father but your actions tell a different story! You give a message that brings false hope to people. My Father doesn't care if you become wealthy! The kingdom of Heaven does not only belong to the rich and wealthy but to poor and broken!"

"And who are you exactly?"

Jesus looks around at the hundreds of people in the crowd.

"I am Jesus! The Son of God! And I am here to tell you that you achieving wealth and prosperity in this world is foolish and will bring you nothing but emptiness!"

Some of the people in the crowd gasp while others laugh. Jesus hears the people whispering to each other but ignores them. He points at the preacher.

"You are a wolf in sheep's clothing who is leading the sheep astray from the Truth! Your message is nothing but the Devil's lies disguised as "Truth!"

Jesus walks out of the building and sits on a bench. He sees a man sitting at a corner in a box. The man is eating something. Jesus walks over to the man who sees him walking towards him. He closes the box and attempts to hide.

"You don't have to hide from me. I only wish to help you."

The man opens the box.

"Help me? How? Do you have money?"

Jesus grabs his hand and pulls him out of the box.

"Not money. Come and sit on the bench with me."

Jesus and the homeless man sit on a bench.

"What are you eating?"

The homeless man holds out his hands and reveals a box of old Chinese food.

"Looks delicious," Jesus says.

"Don't mess with me!"

"I am being serious. It's good to see God providing."

The homeless man laughs really loudly.

"What is it?"

The homeless man continues laughing. Finally he calms down.

"Don't you dare start that God stuff with me! There is no God and if there was, why would He leave me like this?"

Jesus smiles.

"Who says that he left you?" Jesus asks.

The homeless man stops laughing and thinks for a moment.

"What do you mean?"

Jesus puts his hand on the homeless man's shoulder.

"I never left you, Marcus!"

Marcus' jaw drops.

"Who are-"

"I am Jesus, Marcus."

Marcus' eyes widen in disbelief.

"It-It can't be! You're-"

"Dead? No, Marcus! I am very much alive and I am glad to see you!"

Tears run out of Marcus' face.

"What kind of life is this? A pastor who claims to serve you leaves me out on the streets to fend for myself!"

Jesus lowers his head in sorrow.

"I know and I am sorry."

Jesus sits with Marcus in silence for a few minutes.

"I knew I would find you here," a voice says.

Jesus turns around and sees the pastor standing behind him. Jesus gets up from the ground and turns toward the pastor.

"Can we talk?" The pastor asks.

"Of course. I am always willing to speak with anyone."

"Look, I don't see what is wrong with being rich. This gives me opportunities to reach a lot of people!"

"You put your faith in numbers too much and your heart is in the wrong place. If I were to tell you to give up all of your money and follow me, would you?"

"Of course not! Why would I?!"

Jesus frowns in sorrow.

"Then why would you call yourself one of my followers? If you are not willing to give up all of your possessions to follow me, then you are no better than a nonbeliever!"

"But God gave me all of this stuff! I mean you gave me all of this!"

"To use for his glory, not for your own! But you have made your wealth an idol that has replaced God and by doing so, discrediting everything that He stands for!"

Jesus turns his attention to the old man.

"I have nothing else to say of this matter! If you are not willing to sacrifice your desires to follow me then you clearly don't desire a relationship with me. You have obviously made your choice!"

"But I do want a relationship with you!"

"Are you willing to give up everything you own to follow me?"

The pastor doesn't know what to say.

"But my church. My money."

"I was hoping for a different response."

The pastor walks back into the church. Jesus turns and faces the homeless man.

"Your wealth shouldn't be defined by your earthly possessions alone but by your faith in God," Jesus says.

"So even if I am poor on Earth-"

"You are rich in heaven!"

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