Story 4: The Rape Victim

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A girl sits in her bedroom against the side of her bed. Tears stream down her eyes and her hands are pressed against her face. Her mind relives the horrifying experience she just went through.

"Why did this happen to me, God?!" She yells.

Suddenly the door opens and a woman enters.

"Lindsey? Sweetie?"

"Please leave me alone, Mom!" Lindsey yells.

"Listen sweetie, a man has come to our house and he wants to help you. He is a counselor who has helped others through situations like this one."

"Tell him to leave! I don't want to be questioned or examined by a counselor or psychologist! I just want to be left the hell alone!"

"Alright I will tell him," her mom says, closing the door.

After about 30 minutes, the door opens and a man walks in. He walks up to Lindsey and sits next to her. Lindsey sees him and begins to panic. She crawls into her closet to hide. The man makes a calming gesture with his hands.

"It's alright. It's alright. You don't have to hide from me. I am here to help you," the man says.

Lindsey is still scared and refuses to come out. The man walks over to the closet and turns on the light.

"Being in the dark won't serve you any good," the man says.

Lindsey goes from being scared to being angry.

"Who are you and why can't you leave me alone?!"

The man gets up and opens the door.

"Okay I will go. However, before I leave I just want to tell you that I care about you."

"Why do you even care about me?! I don't even know you!"

"Because you are worth it!" The man says.

Lindsey is stunned by his answer and sits up.

"Everyone keeps wanting to know if I am alright. Well guess what? I am not alright!"

"I am sorry that you feel that way. Do you want to tell me how you feel?"

Lindsey begins crying again.

"I feel like my life has just been shattered into a million pieces! I feel like I cannot even talk to anyone because they won't understand how I feel! I feel like-"

The man puts his hand on her shoulder.

"Slow down. Breathe."

Lindsey takes a deep breath.

"Sorry about that."

"You don't need to apologize to me."

"I have tried to be a good person. I have tried to love others and this what I get?! GOD WHY??!!" She yells, throwing her hands up to the sky.

The man stares at Lindsey with a sad look on his face.

It's okay to be upset. I understand."

"Who are you anyways?! Are you a therapist or pastor?!" Lindsey asks.

The man thinks for a moment. He begins to pray.

"Let her see my true identity, Father."

Lindsey's eyes begin to widen as she begins to realize who he is.

"Wait! You're-"

"I am the one that you have heard about in church since you were a little girl, Lindsey!"

"No! It can't be! You're him!"

"I am Jesus, Lindsey!"

Fear begins to grip Lindsey and she walks back, trembling in fear. Tears began raining from her eyes. Jesus holds out his hand.

"You don't need to be afraid of me! I am not here to judge you or punish you! I simply want to help you!"

"I don't understand! Why visit me?! I am not worth your time!"

Jesus places a hand on her shoulder.

"That's not true and please don't ever think that it is! I always want to be with you! Every year! Every month! Every day! Every hour! Every minute! And every second! Being with you is never a waste of time for me because I created you and I love being with you!"

Lindsey doesn't say anything and continues sobbing.

"I know that this was unpleasant and scary for you and I never wanted for you to go through this! Just know that I am still here for you and I love you, Lindsey! I always will!"

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