Story 24: Partygoer

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A 21-year old boy gets out of his car and begins to walk into a bar to a party. He opens the door and shows his ID to a man at the front counter. He walks to the bar and asks for a bottle of Beer. The waitress uncaps a bottle and hands it to him.

"Enjoy," she says.

"Oh I will," the boy says.

He gulps it down quickly before putting it down. Then he goes into the dance floor and begins swinging his arms around, getting loose. He dances until he falls to the ground. He gets up and wobbles over to a table. He sits down.

"Maybe you should take it easy," a man says.

The boy looks over and sees a man sitting next to him.

"Oh yeah. And who are you?"

"Just someone who cares about you."

"Yeah well I don't need someone to care about my well-being. So just do me a favor and leave me alone please!"

The boy gets up from the table and begins to walk toward the dance floor again. He stops when he feels a tug on his arm. He looks back.

"Just please consider what you are doing."

The boy pulls his arm away.

"What are you talking about, old man?" He asks.

"Does this life really fulfill you? Does it really bring joy to you?"

"Of course it does! Now leave me alone, you crazy old man!"

The boy continues walking to the dance floor with two beer bottles in his hand. He walks to the center of the dance floor and begins dancing again. Suddenly he glances around and sees people doing drugs and smoking pot. He watches people make out and do horrible things. He begins to panic.

"I need to get out of here!" He says to himself.

He attempts to makes his way out of the crowd but the crowd keeps going on and on.

"SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!" He cries out.

Everything becomes blurry to him and he falls to the ground. Suddenly he feels his arm getting pulled up.

"Wh-What's happening?"

He looks over and sees the man underneath his arm and helping him walk.

"We are almost out."

The man sets the boy down on the sidewalk outside of the bar.

"Why did you help me? All I did was insult you."

"I don't care about that. I just cared about helping you."

"Who are you and why do you care so much about helping me?"

"Because I see someone who is looking to the wrong things. I see someone who is broken."

"Broken? I ain't broken!"

"It's okay to admit when you need help, Joshua!"

"How do you know my name?"

"I created you, Joshua."

Josh's eyes widen.


"I am Jesus, Joshua."

Tears run from Joshua's eyes. He falls to the ground in shame.

"Please get away from me. I can't even look at you because I am so ashamed of myself."

Jesus gently puts his hand underneath Josh's chin and tilts his head up.

"Everyone has their moments, Joshua. It doesn't mean that you have to be defined by them. I know how broken you are but I choose to love you still."

Jesus wipes the tears off of Josh's face.

"I am so unworthy."

"What defines your worth? Your actions?"

"I am not sure," Josh says.

"Your worth needs to be defined by me, Joshua."

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