Story 21: Depression

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A 15-year old boy comes home from school. His backpack is covered in mud and his clothes are in tatters. He runs upstairs to his room and slams his door. He throws his backpack to the ground and lays on his bed breaking into tears. He turns his head to the right and sees a bottle of sleeping pills that he bought at a drug store.

"I've got nothing else to lose!" He tells himself.

He sits up on his bed and begins to reach for the pill bottle. Suddenly another hand grabs his out of nowhere. He looks to where the hand came from and sees a Middle-Eastern man wearing a t-shirt and jeans.

"Let go of me!"

"Okay," The man says.

He lets go of the boy's hand. The boy grabs the bottle and begins uncapping the lid. He grabs 5 pills and holds them in his hand. He feels a hand on his shoulder.

"I know that you are hurt but please ask yourself if this is really the path you want to take?"

The boy grabs a bottle of water and begins pouring it down his throat.

"Please, Rick! I really want you to think about this! I love you!"

Rick looks at the man with anger in his face.

"Who the hell do you think are?! You have no f***ing idea who I am?! I am a loser and a nobody! Life is s*** and I am so f***ing tired of it! So don't try to stop me!"

"I know who you are and I won't try to stop you! I know what you have been through and I am sorry that it was so hard that it drove you to this! Just know that I am here for you and I am never going to leave you!"

The boy stares at the pills. Tears begin bursting from his eyes and he throws the pills against the wall.

"Who are you?!"

"I am someone who knows you better than anyone including yourself. I have seen you get hurt and it hurts me."

"You didn't give me your name!"

"I am Jesus, Rick!"

Rick walks back in disbelief and falls to the ground on his knees. He covers his face with his hands.

"How is this possible? Why would you waste your time with me?!"

"Being with you is not a waste of time! I love being with you! The thing is that you don't want to be with me!"

"Please leave me! I don't deserve to be in your presence!"

Jesus grabs Rick's hand and removes it from his face. He wipes tears off his face.

"Hey, hey, hey. It's alright! I am not ashamed of you! There is no amount of brokenness that can keep you from my presence!"

Jesus wraps his arms around Rick and hugs him tightly.

"Why couldn't I find you?" Rick asks, sobbing uncontrollably.

"I never left you, Rick! I am here for you, always!"

Rick sobs for hours. Jesus keeps hugging him.

"You'll be alright, Rick," Jesus says, patting Rick on the shoulder.

"Thank you, Jesus!"

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