Story 13: The Protest

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A man is walking down the street when a noise stops him in his tracks. He looks around to see where the noise is coming from. He looks straight ahead and spots a group of people marching on the road. They are throwing rocks and other objects through windows and burning cars.

"WE WANT EQUAL RIGHTS!!!" The crowd chants.

The man walks toward the crowd and stands in front of them.

"Who are you?" One of the protestors asks.

"Get out of the way," another protestor shouts.

"What is wrong?" The man asks.

"Have you been living under a rock?! We are tired of being mistreated and not given the equal rights and opportunities as white people. A black man was wrongfully arrested and shot yesterday. This is the last straw!"

"What is his name?"


"I am sorry to hear that. Do you mind if I pray with you?" He says, holding out his hand.

The protesters look at each other in confusion.

"Um we're not really-"

"I still want to pray with you."

The leader steps forward and grabs the man's hand. The rest follow suit and soon all of the protesters are in a circle. They bow their heads down.

"Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for these people and their immense love for one another. Thank you for helping them rise above hate and violence and living in a way that you want them to. Let them see past the problems of this world and see only you, LORD. It's in your Son's name I pray. Amen."

The protesters stare at the man still confused.

"Are you some kind of pastor?" The leader asks.

"You could say that, Alex."

Alex's jaw drops to the floor.

"How do-"

"You are popular around here and I have been watching you and your group."

"What is your name?"

"I am the one who has set you free. I am the eternal light that has come to remove the darkness from this world."

"Are you an actor, also?"

Several people in the crowd laugh.

"No, Alex. I am Jesus."

The crowd gasps and turn to each other and whisper.

"You can't be! Jesus wore robes and sandals. You are dressed like some street dude!"

"I am not here to discuss my fashion style, Alex. I came to tell all of you that there is a better way."

"How? By letting the police walk over us? Let them abuse and kill us?! No! We have had enough! We are tired of sitting by and letting them do whatever they want!"

"But it shouldn't be with violence. You can show them a better way. Be a better way."

"How?!" Alex asks.

"Hey! All of you better leave before I arrest every single one of you!" A cop yells.

Jesus steps back.

"Remember," He says.

The cop walks up to the crowd.

"Who is in charge here?"

Alex steps forward.

"That would be me, Officer," he says, raising his hand.

"What is the meaning of this?"

"We want to be heard. We just want to be treated like everyone else. We want equal jobs and equal payment. We want the cops to stop treating us like animals," Alex says.

"I understand your frustration but not of all of us think like that. Some of us try to be decent."

"Yeah but there's a bunch of rotten apples in your bunch!"

"I agree with you and if you let me I can talk to my superiors."

Alex gets less defensive.

"That would be appreciated, Officer. We will go home now."

The two shake hands. The officer walks away. Alex turns back and looks at Jesus who is standing in the distance, smiling.

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