Story 12: The Patient

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A 12-year old girl is lying in a hospital bed with no family members around. She is suffering from an illness called Coronavirus. Meanwhile in a house, a mother is distraught over her daughter. She puts her hands together and continually prays. After a while she stops and begins crying.

"God why?! Why is this happening to her?! SHE DID NOTHING TO DESERVE THIS??!!" She screams.

Suddenly her phone starts ringing. She answers it.

"Hello Mary. I think it's time that we talk."

"Who is this?"

"A friend. I will meet up with you at your place."

"But we're not allowed to leave our homes."

Suddenly there is a knock at the door. She answers it and opens to find a man standing there.

"Hello, Do you mind if I come in?"

Mary is unsure at first but decides that she could use company. She steps to the side and lets the man inside.

"Nice home," the man says, looking around the house.

"Um thanks. Do I know you, sir?"

"Not as much as I know you, Mary."

"How do you know who I am?" Mary asks.

The man sees a Bible laying on a counter and grabs it. He turns around and looks at Mary.

"This is beautiful. You like reading scripture?"

"Ever since my daughter was sent to the hospital I have been reading to keep myself distracted. Anyways who are you and why did you want to see me?"

The man opens the Bible and begins reading.

"I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the father except through me."

He closes the book. Mary stares at him, confused.

"Wait? Are you trying to say that you-"

The man smiles and nods. Mary falls to her knees in awe with tears in her eyes.

"LORD?! Where have you been? I pray to you all day and night!"

"I know, Mary. I know. And I have been listening."

"So why don't you help her?"

"Do you believe I am good? Do you trust in my plans?"

"Yes. I do, LORD."

"Then don't be worried. Let me work."

Mary crawls up to Jesus and falls to his feet.

"Let your will be done."

She feels something grab her hand. She sees Jesus bending down and helping her up. She stands up on her feet. Jesus heads towards the door. Before he opens the door he turns around.

"God has a plan for every circumstance. "

He opens the door and walks out. Mary sits on her couch and thinks about what just happened. She gets tired and falls asleep on the couch. She feels a tap on the shoulder.

"Huh? What is it?" She asks.

She looks up to see a man standing over her.

"Charlie? What is it?"

"They lost her, honey."

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