Story 20: Equally Loved

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"What do you mean that you can't serve my wife and my kids?!" A man yells.

"There are not enough tables! We are full!" The host replies.

"That's not true! I can see tables in the back of the restaurant!" A guest yells.

"He doesn't know what he is talking about!" The host says, making a quieting gesture towards the guest.

"It doesn't matter! We don't want to eat here anymore! We would rather not help the business of racist people! Come on honey!"

The man motions towards his family who follow him out of the door. The man walks down the street. He accidentally bumps a stranger on the shoulder.

"Excuse me. Sorry!" The Dad says, walking past him.

"It's okay, Alex!" The stranger responds.

Alex stops in his tracks and turns around.

"Do I know you?" Alex asks, raising an eyebrow.

"I am sorry that he treated you like that? Just know that I don't think of you the same way!"

"Umm thanks. Let me ask again. Who are you?"

"I will tell you that later but for right now, let's just say that I am a friend."

"Why do people have to treat us differently just because of how we look? We have done nothing wrong! I am going to make him pay for this!"

"I know that you are angry and I understand! But I still love him!" The man says.

"Who's side are you on?" Alex asks.

"I am on no one's side. I care about both of you."

"What justice will come out of this?" The man says.

"He is loved by God also! He is valued just as highly as you are!"

"God?! Don't make me laugh! God doesn't care about us!"

"What makes you say that?"

"Well I do know that if he did care, he would stop racism from happening!"

"It's not that I don't want to stop it! They have the free will to do what they choose and say! Does it make it right? No, but I can still use it for good."

"You? Who are you?"

"I am Jesus, Alex."

Alex and his family stare at Jesus with stunned looks on their face as their minds are opened to who he is. They fall to the ground in awe.

"Please forgive me for my disrespect, Jesus!"

Jesus puts his hand on Alex's shoulder.

"It's alright. Don't be afraid of me," Jesus says.

Alex and his family stand back up.

"Why do people judge others simply by the color of their skin?"

"It's not their fault. It's the brokenness of this world. It's caused disarray and lies that are fed into people's heads. I don't love one group over the other. That is why this world needs me."

"Are you going to do something about it?"

"I will talk to him, Alex."

Jesus walks past Alex and his family and enters the restaurant.

"We are not allowed to serve your kind?"

"That's alright. I am not here to eat anything anyways."

"Then why are you here?" The host asks with a confused look on his face.

"When is your next break?"

"In an hour. Why?"

"I wish to speak to you."

"I am not sure if it is safe to talk to you."

"I just want to talk to you. Nothing more."

"Alright fine! My break is in an hour. I doubt you will still be here, though."

An hour later, the host goes on his break. He grabs his car keys and walks outside. When he opens the door he finds Jesus sitting at a table with a plate of hamburgers and fries.

"Have you been waiting for me this entire time?" He asks.

Jesus nods his head.

"Come sit down," Jesus says.

The host looks around and shrugs his shoulders. He sits down at the table. He dives into the burgers and fries.

"No one has ever invited me to lunch."

"Why is that?" Jesus asks.

"No one really likes me," the host says.

"I do," Jesus replies.

"You don't even know me."

"That doesn't mean that I should not care about you."

"So why do you want to speak with me?"

"Can I ask you a question?" Jesus asks.

"Umm sure."

Jesus points at a black man walking by.

"Do you love him?"

Jerry thinks for a moment.

"Umm well you see, that is a bit complicated."

"How so?"

"Their kind is not like us."

"Their kind? Their kind? I love their kind just as much as you."

"Yeah so? What is so great about your love?"

"Because my love is the only love that can fulfill you."

"Who are you?"

"I am Jesus Christ."

Jerry leans back in his chair so fast that he nearly falls out, and his eyes widen. His jaw drops to the ground in amazement.

"If you are him then you know what I have done? How I treat people? How could you still love me after the way that I treated you?"

"I do but I still love you. However I also love that family you turned away."

"You know what their kind has done! Gangsters and drug dealers! They are always bringing trouble!"

Jesus shakes his head.

"Do you not think that God loves them? Do you not think that I love them. You have no reason to judge or hate them.

Jerry pauses for a moment.

"I guess so."

"You live with so much hate inside of you. They are my children just as much as you are also, my child. They are my friends just as much as you are. I want you to see them the way I do."

Jerry falls to his knees and begins crying. Jesus gets up from his chair and puts his hand on Jerry's shoulder.

"I want you to do something for me, Jerry."

"What do you want me to do? I will do anything that you tell me!"

"Go and talk to the family that you dismissed. Repent to them. The choice is yours, Jerry. You can choose to love like me. But you must make a choice."

Jesus begins to walk away. Jerry stands there contemplating on what he just encountered.

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