Story 17: The Bully

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In a high school, a boy is being chased by a group of other boys. They catch up to him and begin slapping him and kicking him. One of the boys snatches his backpack and pushes him to the ground.

"That will teach you a lesson!" One of the bullies yell, throwing the boy's backpack against a wall.

The bullies walk away laughing as the boy picks up his backpack. He reaches down to pick up his folder but a hand grabs the folder and hands it to him. He looks up and sees a Middle-Eastern man.

"Who are you?" The boy asks.

"Just someone who wants to help you," the man responds.

"I don't want your help! So go away!"

The boy walks away and turns a corner. The man smiles.

"That's okay. I will be waiting," the man says.

The man walks and turns a corner. He sees the group of boys who were bullying the kid. They are counting cash that they stole from the kid.

"This kid was loaded!" The bully yells.

The man looks at the boys with sadness and follows them. The group splits up and the man follows the kid holding the cash. The kid stops at a corner looks around to see if he is being followed. The man taps on the bully's shoulder. The bully turns around and stares at the man.

"Are you a teacher?"

"You could say that. What is your name?"


Luke slowly backs away from the man.

"Why are you afraid of me, Luke? I only want to talk to you."

Luke stops in his tracks.

"How are you doing?"

"Okay. I am doing well."

The man stares at the cash in Luke's hands.

"Where did you get that?"

Luke face begins to sweat.


"You are sweating. I just want to talk."

Luke looks around trying to find a way to escape but there is no way to run. He slumps his shoulders and hangs his head. The man places his hand on Luke's shoulder.

"It's okay."

"How can you say that?! You probably know what I have already done."

"What is it that you have done?" The man asks.

"You really don't know?" Luke asks.

"Not if you don't tell me," the man says.

Luke hands the money to the man. The man takes the money and Luke begins to cry. He falls to his knees and hangs his head down.

"Just take it and go! I just want to be left alone!" Luke says.

The man puts the money down on the ground and walks to Luke. He puts his hands on Luke's shoulders.

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