Story 1: The Farmer

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A farmer is working out in the field tending to his crops and looking after his animals.

Suddenly he realizes his lamb is missing. He runs at the doorway and calls out his wife.

"One of our lambs is missing! I am going out to look for her!"

The farmer runs out into the field looking for the lamb. He looks around frantically. His breaths start getting heavier and heavier. He starts to cry.

"Is this your lamb, Tom?" A voice calls out.

He turns around and sees a Middle-Eastern man holding a baby lamb. He runs toward the man and takes the lamb from his arms and cuddles it.

"Thank you stranger! How do you know my name? What is your name? How I may repay you?"

"No need to! I am just happy to help. It doesn't matter what my name is. Can I help you on your farm?"

"Sure. We are always willing to accept help from others."

Tom and the stranger walked back to the farm with the baby lamb. As soon as they arrive, the farmer heads into the barn where his wife is waiting.

"We found the lamb?"

"Who's we?"

The stranger walks in after him. He smiles at the wife.

"Hello Mary. How are you?"

"Um hi. How do you know my name?"

"I will explain everything to you two later. Right now I just want to help out on the farm.

"Sure we could use a pair of fresh hands to help out."

The stranger helps Tom tend to the fields. He helps plant crops and waters them.

"You're really good at this," Tom says.

"I have experience with planting seeds. However, we must let God do the growing."

"So where are you from?"

"I am just visiting."

"Who? A friend?"

"Yes. I am a friend of everyone. The problem is not everyone chooses to accept me as their friend. Do you go to church?"

"Not necessarily. We are believers but we don't really go to church because we are too busy working on the farm. However, we still pray and read scripture every day."

"It's good to be around community also."

"We try to help as many people as possible by giving them food from our farm."

"That is good but what if there is more? What if He has called you to do other things?"

"Like what?"

Jesus plants another seed, waters it, and stands it up.

"Helping those who don't believe come to know Him and build a relationship with Him."

"You're a big religious guy aren't you?"

"I don't care about religion. I care about love and truth. I just want people to come as they are. That's what my Father wants for you."

"And who is your father exactly?"

He looks up.

"Wait you don't mean-"

He nods.

"So that means you are-"

He nods again.

"OH MY-"

"Shhhh," Jesus whispers.

Tom goes silent and Jesus grabs his hand and places something on the palm of his hand.

"Plant it and see what happens. It may not always grow and you may not get to see the full growth but everything happens in His time."

Jesus picks up his stuff and begins to walk away.

"Wait! Will I ever see you again?"

"You've read the book, Tom. What does it tell you?"

Jesus walks down the path until he is out of sight. Tom looks at his hand to see what Jesus left behind. He sees a mustard seed.

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