Story 10: The Tragedy

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A woman walks into her house. She calls out her daughter's name.

"Molly? Are you home?"

The woman walks into Molly's room and finds a ghastly sight. She finds her laying on the floor, unconscious. She sprints over to her body and attempts to wake her up.

"Molly wake up! Molly?! MOLLY??!!" She cries out in despair.

She pulls out her phone.

"Hello, police! My was daughter was killed! Can you get over here as fast as possible?"

She sits next to her body and cries for what seems like hours. Suddenly she hears police sirens coming from outside. She dashed to the door and opens it. A police officer calmly greets her.

"Everything's going to be alright, ma'am. Just let the detectives analyze the body and we might have a clue of who did this."


"I promise you that we will find him!" The officer calmly says.

The mother slowly opens her door and heads inside. She pulls out a chair and sits. She thinks about her daughter and imagines hearing her screams for help.

"MOMMY!!! MOMMY!!!" The voices in her head cry out.

She clenches her fists and begins hitting the counter.

"I AM SORRY, BABY!!! GOD, WHY DID THIS HAPPEN TO HER??!!" Her voice breaks.

She falls out of her chair and stumbles to the ground, sobbing. Suddenly the door opens and her husband runs in. He rushes over to her and embraces her in his arms.

"I should have been there for her!" She cries.

"Shhh, shhh. It's not your fault, Amy."

The mother's husband carries her to her bed and tucks her in. He heads out of the room to talk with the authorities. The next day, she wakes up and opens her front door to find police cars surrounding her home. The officer from the previous night walks up to her.

"Miss Mason. You might remember me? I am Officer Williams. I am just here to make sure you are alright. If there is anything that I or the police department can do, please don't hesitate."

"I want justice for my daughter!"

"We understand and it will be delivered. I can assure you of that."

The officer shakes her hand and tells her that he will be praying for her and her family before leaving. Amy gets into her car and begins to drive. She passes by a neighbor's house. She slowly stops her car when the neighbor begins walking up to her.

"I don't know what to say to you, Amy."

"Not much to say," Amy says.

"I cannot even imagine how you are-"

"It's alright. I am fine."

"She was a great woman. It saddens me that she went like this."

"Yeah, she was," she says.

She continues driving until she reaches a college building. She meets with the head of the college and who expresses her deepest sympathies for her.

"I lost my daughter when she was 5."

She lets Amy know that the college will provide anything she needs and to reach out to them. On Sunday, her husband wakes her up for church.

"I don't want to go to church, honey."

"Sweetie, this isn't the time to run away from God. It's not what Molly would want."

She thinks for a moment and finally gets out of bed. She slowly gets ready and heads into her car. Her husband drives them to church. When they arrive, the pastor is waiting for them. He hugs both of them.

"I want to let you know that the church stands behind you and will support you in any way possible. Our deepest prayers are with you."

Amy shows a weak smile and walks into the service. She sits down in a chair and watches as the pastor walks on stage. A man who is not her husband sits next to her.

"Everything will be alright. Have faith, Amy," the man says.

Amy looks at him, puzzled because she does not know him. The service begins and she takes her mind off it. After service, she walks through the hallway of the church. She looks around and sees people staring at her and whispering to each other. She goes into a room and fetches herself a cup of coffee. As she is stirring her coffee she spots a man walking towards her. The man is wearing a casual suit and sports a goatee with mid-size hair.

"I remember you. You're the man who sat next to me during the service."

"Hello, Amy. It's good to see you."

"Um do I know you?"

"Not as much as I know you but we will work on that."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Let's talk somewhere else private."

They head into an empty room with chairs. The man pulls out a seat for Amy who sits down.

"I know how much pain you are feeling, Amy. My father does also."

"Your father? Who is your father and how could he possibly know?"

The man smiles.

"You will see."

"Who are you?"

"Think about it, Mary. Who was given to you as the ransom for your sins! I am Jesus and I am here to finish my Father's work."

"Wait you mean-"

"Yes. I am he."

Amy freezes for a moment in awe and fear. She begins sobbing.

"I-I-I don't know what to say," she says through her sobbing.

Jesus puts his hand on her shoulder.

"It's alright. I am here for you."

Amy hugs Jesus and cries in his arms. A look of anger suddenly appears on her face.

"WHY DID YOU LET HIM DO THIS??!! Why did she have to suffer?! Why do any of us have to suffer?! Didn't you love her?!" She yells, continuing to sob.

Jesus begins to cry with her.

"I do love her and I haven't stopped. Your letting your anger and sadness blind you from my love and it's feeding you lies."


"Everyone is given a choice, Amy. To live in sin or follow my Father. There are many who choose to live in their own selfish desires. In their own wicked ways."

"But it's not fair! She didn't deserve this!"

"I know that it's not fair! I understand how you are feeling but I once went through something that I didn't deserve for her and for you."

Amy continues crying.

"But she is safe, Amy. She is in peace. She is waiting for you when the time comes."

Amy looks up at Jesus.

"Does she remember me?"

"Of course. Everyday she likes to talk about the moments she spent with you. Just know that she is no longer suffering."

Amy wipes the tears from her face.

"When will I see her, again?"

"You have a lot to do in this life first, Amy."

Jesus hugs Amy and heads out the door.,

"What do I do now?"

"Trust in my plan and believe that I have the best intentions for you!"

He walks until he is out of sight. Amy stands in the hallway, wondering what to do next.

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