Story 2: Carrie

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A girl walks through the hallways in tears. She walks by students who giggle and point at her. She tries to ignore them. She turns a corner and bumps into a man.

"Oh, Carrie I-" The man says.

Carrie has a disorder called Treacher-Collins Syndrome. Tears pour down her cheeks like raindrops. The man's face turns to sadness and he embraces Carrie into his arms.

"I can't handle it! The pain!" Carrie asks.

Carrie sobs uncontrollably.

"I am here for you, child," The man says.

Carrie looks up at the man.

"Who are you?" She asks.

"A friend, Carrie," The man says, smiling.

Carrie feels a comforting warmth and her tears dry up.

"I cannot take it anymore. They keep teasing and telling me to kill myself because of how I look."


Suddenly a group of girls walk into the hallway. They spot Carrie and begin laughing and teasing her.

"There they are," Carrie says, beginning to cry again.

The man looks at the girls with a stern stare but not a single word. The girls suddenly became quiet and walk away. The man turns his attention back towards Carrie.

"They say things such as "God hates you," or "You should have never been born.""

"Why do let their words affect you? Do you think God hates you?"

"I mean- I don't know!"

"God made you this way!"

"Then he should have never made me at all then! I am a freak!"

"That's not true, Carrie!"

"How do you know?! You don't even know anything about me!"

"Oh, I know a lot about you, Carrie. More than you know about yourself. I think God created you for a wonderful purpose and He will use you for great purposes if you let Him."

"That's what my Mom keeps telling me but I find it hard to believe when I look like this."

"God doesn't care what you look like. He just cares about you."

"Are you a pastor?"

"No, I am just a man being used by God."

Another voice begins to speak to Carrie.

"Don't listen to him, Carrie. What does he know? He doesn't know what you have gone through!" The mysterious voice whispers to Carrie.

"Get away from me! Do you think you know what I have been through? You don't know s****! Now get away from me!"

Carrie turns away from the man and begins to walk away. The man stares at Carrie in sadness as she keeps walking.

The same voice that spoke to Carrie speaks to the man.

"You'll never save her, " the voice says.

"But I already have, " The man says.

Carrie keeps walking. Suddenly 5 girls surround her.

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