Home Sweet Home 😉

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Story by: Authoress Ademide

              Arike's POV


It was on a Saturday morning,we were all set up to travel back to Nigeria for Busayomi's wedding which was just in few weeks time. I had made the decision to return to Nigeria even before the date for the wedding was set.  I didn't want to miss Busayomi's wedding,neither do I want to be the selfish mother who purposely kept her child away from her father.

This is the time Busayomi needed my help as a sister and I also have to repay her for the good deeds. I actually don't care if we run into Dayo whenever we return back to Nigeria. I am ready to face him at least for my child who needed to know her father.

"Grand...pa.." Iteoluwa's voice jolted me out of thought.

"Yes..princess.." he glanced at her before focusing back on the road

"I am gonna miss you and grandma." She said

"And we are gonna miss you too princess." He replied.

Finally we arrived at the airport and waved goodbyes to uncle Badejo and his wife before heading towards departure section.

"Mommy..." Iteoluwa called.

"Yes my love,"

"Do you think the knight is gonna kidnap the princess from the castle and take her somewhere far away?" She asked.

"Well -" I paused to give our passports and papers to the lady at the desk.

"I don't really know-"

"You should know mommy!" She jumped. "You always read the story to me at night."

"Yes I know.."

"Answer now... will the knight-"

I interrupted her. "I think..the king is gonna ask his royal guards to protect the princess and then-"

"No! That's not it!" She countered and I rolled my eyes.

"You are good to go!" The lady announced.

"Thank you." I said to her.

"The knight is gonna love the princess?" I asked.

"Yes! The king will have no choice..and the knight will become the king and they will both live happily ever after."  She narrated her favorite bed time story which her grandpa always reads to her.

Believe me when I say she doesn't get tired of that story. She knows everything line by line.

Iteoluwa slept on the plane and I have to wake her up at the checkpoint. She grumbled when I dropped her down.

"Mommmmyyyy..." she cried.

"Sorry my love," she continued to cry.

"I want to sleep..." she was already making a scene.

"Look big mommy is waiting for us." I said to make her stop crying and she did.

Iteoluwa looked around to find Busayomi. "Where is she?"

"Come on! Stop crying-" I heard her hand and drag our box behind us.


"I won't let you play with your teddy when we get home." I threatened her and she stopped crying immediately.

"You can't do that.."

"Then stop crying now."

She sniffed. "I won't cry anymore."

HER BABY'S SECRETحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن