No settlement except seeing in court

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Theme: No settlement except seeing in court

     Arike's POV

Her mouth set in a hard line. "All of our husbands knew our fathers tricked them to marry us for business purposes, so they in turn treated us like we were sold to them. My ex husband called it modern slavery." Her eyes flooded with tears.

Ex-husband? Moyosoreoluwa was divorced, my gaze traveled down to her hands and I found no ring on it.

"He wanted us to protect the company that was the only reason why we all agreed to marry his business partners. We got blinded by our sense of responsibility but look at us now...all divorced after being treated unfairly by our husbands." She expressed her pains.

And I didn't even know what to do or say to Moyosoreoluwa. I just sat there and listened to her.

"None of us had the chance to do what we wanted, our greedy father never gave us the opportunity to pursue our dreams. As his children, we let him do whatever he wanted to do with us. That is why I blame him for everything that is happening to Adedayo now."  She screwed up her face.

I didn't miss the pains and sorrow in her eyes, the Awosika sisters must have really suffered in their marriages.

"Arike, I warned Adedayo when he told me dad picked a bride for him. I warned him never to listen to our father and I even offered to help him leave the country. I divorced my husband five years ago, alone with my two kids and had no one so I asked Dayo to come to New York but he insisted on staying in Nigeria. Adedayo also let his sense of responsibility get over him, as the only son he thought he could handle everything because running the company has always been his dream. To be honest, Dayo did a good job at running the company. He did better than all of us so we thought he was also doing well in his marriage. I thought he had finally grew to love Shalewa but..." her voice trailed off.

More tears streamed down her cheeks. "His Fate was worst than ours. We had children, they weren't taken from us, we gained custody of our children and we got compensated after reporting our husbands in court for violence. Arike, we all faced the same ill fate and we fought our marital battles ourselves without involving our parents." She nibbled on her bottom lip.

Moyosoreoluwa spoke up after some seconds of silence. "But Dayo's fate is even worst, he is close to going to jail and our father is not willing to help. I can't believe he kicked him out of the board and company and even froze all his accounts after so much sacrifices." Moyosoreoluwa sobbed out loudly.

"Now I feel so bad that I had left him to do things his ways. My brother is innocent and I don't want to see suffer this way." She wiped her face.

"Well I blame your father because he didn't give Adedayo the chance to explain himself and he just chose to believe that his son is guilty." I said after Moyosoreoluwa was done cleaning her tears.

She shook her head in agreement. "You are right and I think Shalewa should be the one in police custody. She cheated, deceived my brother into believing that that boy was his child and she even tried to kill my brother. Is there a way to file a case against her?" She asked with a glint of hope in her eyes.

"The only way to clear Dayo's name is to make Shalewa confess that Adedayo didn't do anything wrong. Once we tender  our evidences Dayo will be free and then we can file a case against Shalewa." I answered.

The corner of her mouth lifted. "No..Arike that is impossible, Shalewa will never agree to tell the court that Dayo is innocent. There has to be another way to put an end to this mess. And why on earth is she doing this to him?" Moyo rubber her temples.

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