Making love! 😍

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Story by: Authoress Ademide

              Arike's POV

"Da...Dayo. it's Dayo's baby." I sobbed.

"What?!" She gasped in shock.

My heartbeat accelerated. Seriously I have never been this scared in my life.

"Dayo?" She frowned. "Hold up...which Dayo?"

I couldn't dare look into her eyes.

"The..same.. Dayo." I whispered shakily.

Then I heard her laughing as she stood up from the bed. I didn't feel any better by the sudden laughter.

"Oh please! That was such an expensive joke!" She laughed.

This is not good. She thinks I am joking! Oh my God! What have I gotten into?!


"No! You can't be serious!" She snapped.

" the father of my child!" I cried.


"Please..please don't make it hard for me than it is now." I pleaded.

"Oh God! This must be a dream." She tapped her cheeks.

I wish it was a dream too so I could just wake up and pray to never let it happen.

"How on earth did Dayo become the father of your child? Have you guys been sleeping with each other? Oh! Obviously! This is it!" She pointed to my belly. "I should have known! So this is the result of all the sleep overs!"

" only happened -"

She interrupted me. "So you've been sleeping with him, knowing that he already had a fiancee and now a wife!" She said angrily.


"What do you mean by no?! You are pregnant!" She shouted.

I nodded in agreement. "Wait..are you trying to pin it on him because you want to hide the real father?"

"No..I's Dayo's baby. happened..just once...just once. You have to believe me."

She paced to and fro with an angry look. "And you didn't tell me! You just decided to keep it to yourself."

"I am sorry...I wanted to tell you about it..but..I was scared."

"Scared? Scared of what? What else have you been hiding from me?!"

"Nothing else...believe me."

"How do you -" she paused,threw her hands up and turned her back on me.

" sorry." I begged her.

Busayomi turned towards the door. And I figured what she was about to do. She was leaving.

"I am disappointed in you." She mumbled.

"Please..don't..leave me." I sobbed.

She opened the door and went away. I was wrong to have kept such big deed away from her. Busayomi was like a big sister to me. She was part of my life,the only person I could turn to as a family.

I understand how she was feeling - betrayed! Finding out that I was carrying the child of the man I clearly denied to never have feelings for was so hard for her.

So how do I live my life now? Busayomi was gone,my baby's father was out somewhere probably enjoying the honeymoon with his wife and I have no idea of how to raise a child. I shouldn't have let this happened to me after the promise I made to my mother. How could I have forgotten such promise?!

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