Confession ❣️

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              Arike's POV


I grumbled as I hopped out of bed when I heard the doorbell in my deep sleep. Wait! It's really late! I glanced at the alarm next to my bed, the red light beeped 2:35am! Who could be out there by this time?! Shit! And why is the doorbell So loud?! Plus I wasn't expecting anyone except Busayomi who promise to visit yesterday but ended up being too busy with work at the office with her boss. I hate her boss for giving her too much work!

The doorbell stopped ringing and a bang on the door came afterwards,making me afraid.

"Who the hell is out there?!" I shouted when I got to the living room. No response

Why on Earth did Ahmed let someone in by this time?! Perhaps is it a thief or worse thieves?!

Gba! Gba! Gba! I should call the police.

"Arike! Open up!" I heard Adedayo's voice.

I relaxed a bit. Why is he here? By this time? I haven't seen him since almost two weeks now. We didn't even exchange text messages online or even call. I assumed that Adedayo really accepted my decision to stay away.

To be honest, I expected him to at least call to check on me but nothing. Busayomi said it was the right thing to do and I have been telling my heart to reason the same way.

Dayo's wedding is just in two weeks time. So I supposed he has been busy preparing for the big day. And guess what?! Shalewa asked me to be part of her bridal train but I declined. Why? I belonged to the husband side. And she also offered me the position of best lady, saying that her best friend was now heavily pregnant but I refused the offer. I don't want! I am not even friends with her so why should I get involved with her! Shalewa was just trying to show me that Dayo was hers now. Dorrrhhhhh! Do I look like I Care? I wasn't from a rich background so I wasn't expecting anything more than friendship with Adedayo.

I tried to remember where I had dropped the key but another bang on the door interrupted my train of thought.

"Arike! Please open up! It's me...Adedayo."

"Sorry...I's you. I am looking for the keys!"


"Found it!" I breathed out when I saw it on the stool next to the big couch.

Then I rushed to the door to open it only for the smell of alcohol to wash over me. Ewwwww!! So disgusting.

"Oh my God! Dayo....why are you so drunk?!"

He laughed, pushed me aside and went into my apartment.

I sighed in frustration and slammed the door.

"Dayo! Dayo! What's all this nonsense?!"

"Trust me...I didn't..drink much..."

"Seriously? Why the drink at all?!"

" to...scold me..can't you see I am drunk?!" He dropped on the couch.

"Didn't I make it clear that you can't sleep over again?!"

"I know..but -" He didn't reply but a sniff from him got my attention.

"Don't I..look...pitiful to you?" He said in a low tone.

I sighed and went to him. "Is everything okay?"

Dayo was never the type who takes alcohol but he only gets drunk whenever something's really bothering him.

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