Lost but found

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Story by: Authoress Ademide

           Arike's POV

My eyes scanned the area and panic set in about two minutes after realizing that my daughter was gone. At first, I told myself that it was no big deal. Iteoluwa was probably over in the children book section checking to see if there would be an interesting princess book or if Barbie collection has been updated.

When I got to the book aisle, she wasn't there so once again I thought she would have wandered to the teddy bear collections. Iteoluwa was a sucker for teddy bears. And when she wasn't there either, I became concerned.

My heartbeat accelerated but I told myself to calm down and not overreact. But I couldn't calm down, the shoprite mall was big with lot of people in it so I was scared even though I had warned her to never talk to strangers to and stay in one place if perhaps  she got separated from me in a public place though it had never happened before.

I walked away from the teddy aisle. "Iteoluwa!" I went to the food section but she wasn't there either.

"Where are you Iteoluwa?" I started running passing many sections and she wasn't there.

Has she wandered out of the mall?

"Iteoluwa?!" I looked down at every area.

People stared at me and whispered but I didn't acknowledge them. Finding my daughter was my concern. She wasn't even at the ice cream aisle too, Where could she be?

My eyes combed the area for my daughter's pink gown. I had bought it for her last Christmas and Iteoluwa had decided to bring it along to Nigeria so she could show Busayomi.

Oh my God! If the call hadn't come in my eyes would have been on her but at the same time how far did she go? I wasn't even on phone  for too long!

One of the mall attendants came to me. "Hello madam, is everything okay?" The young man asked.


"Are you looking for someone?" He asked again.

"Yes please..." I breathed out.

Oh my God why didn't it occur to me to ask the attendants I had passed by instead of running around the mall like a woman completely out of her mind.

"A little girl..she is four dressed in a pink gown, she had a yellow balloon in her hand and probably the singing doll. She was with me in the  children  section but then I had to receive a call...after that I couldn't find her." I blabbed.

"Relax madam, you are looking  for a little girl of about four years old, dressed in a pink gown with a balloon and singing doll in her hand." He described.

"Yes..Yes please..did you see her passing by?" I asked.

"I am not sure but let me ask my colleagues." He went away to speak to the other attendants.

My eyes continued to search the area.

"Madam did you come along to the mall with your husband?" The attendant asked.

"No I don't have a husband. I only came with my daughter." I replied in a rush.

"Okay according to the your description you gave me, my colleague saw a little girl with a man who had a little boy on his shoulder." He explained.

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