The Promise ❣️

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              Arike's POV

"That was how it happened." I whispered.

"Geez! I know it was your first! But how can you be so dumb to the extent of having sex without protection! You're 24! I expect you to act up to that age! And as for Dayo.. he's the one with more experience,he should have known better."

"There was no condom." I mumbled.

"And so? He should have used the withdrawal method! You both are so dumb!" She spat angrily.

"He was careful...but we got carried away in the shower and he didn't remember to...pull out. And it wasn't his fault...I had forgotten to use the pills he asked me to buy."

"Did you buy it?! Obviously No! You didn't use it."

"I forgot..I totally got busy with work."

"Oh my God! What do I do with,Arike?"

"I am sorry."

"Sorry for yourself! So what happened after that?" She asked.


I woke up to meet empty space beside me. The time was 6:05am. Dayo had left because he promised to leave before anyone wakes up. I felt sad that he didn't even say goodbye.

But relief rushed through me when I heard the shower running in the bathroom. I felt the soreness between my thighs as I got out of bed and walked to the kitchen.

I drank a whole glass of water - I was on the third glass when I heard Dayo calling my name.

"I am in the kitchen." I shouted.

Soon he appeared in the doorway, fully dressed to leave.

"Good morning." He greeted with a smile. No shyness.

I was a bit shy to look at him but I tried to act normal.

"You're leaving already?" I asked.

"Yes...." His forehead creased as he studied my expression. "You want me to stay?" He asked with a smile.

" can go..I have to prepare for work too." I stuttered.

"Alright." He replied.

I cleared my throat. "So..what are you going to do?" I asked.

Now is the time to deal with our leftover problems.

"Call off my wedding just to be with you?"

" wasn't thinking like that. I..I..mean...hey..I know what we did last night nothing. And --" I paused.

So I can think about everything now. Last night,I didn't care about anything other than having Dayo.

I didn't know he was close to me until I felt his touch on my face.

"Look at me." He said but I didn't look up at him.

"Arike,look at me." I did as he instructed. "Everything we did last night means a whole lot to me."

I could see the sincerity in his eyes as I looked into them.

"Dayo?" I moved away from him.

"Listen I have been hiding this feeling for a long time now. I tried to let go by dating other women but I felt drawn to you all the time. And I didn't want to ruin our friendship that's why I didn't take a step to tell you about how I feel." He said.

HER BABY'S SECRETOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora