2# He sees you for the first time

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He sees you for the first time

Aaron Hotchner:
He doesn't realize you when he enters the room, 'cause he tries to calm Jack down. Then your presence hits him like a punch. For the first few moments he's speechless. The FBI agent tries with a smile. In his head he tells himself to concentrate. Aaron hears your words but they don't make sense. "Say something! Best something clever", the FBI agent urges himself in his head. "Oh, that makes sense", he mumbles. Aaron could slap himself.
Derek Morgan:
For the first moment he just stares. Derek believes to hear an angelic choir, but then he gives himself a slight slap. The FBI agent shakes his head.  Inconspicuous he tries to take a look in the mirror. Derek directs his hairstyle. Even after five minutes he isn't satisfied. "What the hell is wrong with me?! This isn't normal", he thinks. Derek tries his luck anyway.
David Rossi:
He gives you your purse and looks at you. Dave thinks that the world stops for a few moments. His head is empty. The way you throw back your hair and smiles at him drives him crazy. The FBI agent never had such feelings for someone after a few seconds. Dave forgets even the thief on the ground. The world around him seems to be a little bit more colourful. It sounds corny, but it's true.
Spencer Reid:
He looks at you very briefly, 'cause he pays attention on the case. Even the short moment is enough to twist his head. A slight smile appears on his face, but his gaze is fixed on the ground. The doctor searches desperately for a reason for his behaviour. In his head reigns the chaos and his heart skips a beat. Spencer doesn't know such feelings. After a few minutes he believes that he's sick.

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