23# Baby and Daddy

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Baby and Daddy

Aaron Hotchner:

"Come on, buddy. Give me a kiss", Aaron sighs and looks at his son. The boy prefers to explore the kitchen. Your husband lies down on the ground to be on his eyelevel. "Just a little kiss, Ajay", he tries his luck again. The little boy crawls to him and gives him finally a kiss. "God! You two are too cute", you sigh, while you watch them. Your heart almost melts.

Derek Morgan:

"See, my little princess? Bathing is so much fun", Derek dries her short hair off and wraps her up in a big towel. A slight smile appears on your lips. You kiss his cheek and her forehead. "Yeah, particularly with your daddy", you whisper in his ear. His eyes widen. "I'm the next princess, who needs a bath", you wink at him. Your husband sighs. "Your mother is a little devil", he has to look at your daughter and can't join you.

David Rossi:

"We are a plane!", David smiles and runs around in the living room with your daughter. You enter the room with two glasses. "I'm the stewardess. Do you need a drink, captain and co captain? ", you ask them with a big smile. "Caution! The plane lands", David puts your girl down. You kiss his cheek. "Where did the trip go?", you want to know. "Italy. What else?", your husband answers laughing.

Spencer Reid:

With the shopping bags in your hand you open the door. "I'm back", you enter the apartment. It's too quiet. "Spence? Damien?", you ask worried and run into the living room. You sigh in relief. Nothing happened. Spencer and your son are sleeping on the couch, while the TV runs. You kneel in the front of the couch. "Hey, you're back", your husband mumbles. You kiss his nose. "Yes, go back to sleep", you whisper.

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