science fiasco

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At the library

Jane and Lonnie were studying when the bell rang they headed to their to take their lockers to take their science book as they entered the science lab and sat at there usual seat.

"Okay class we have new students joining us today..................Jay, Evie and Carlos" the science teacher said gesturing all of them. Lonnie rolled her eyes when she saw Jay, Jane blushed when she saw Carlos staring at her while Doug just watched Evie. The VKs sat next to each other

"Okay student three weeks from today will be your project day, you all will do a project on conversion of energy" the teacher said as he was writing down the conversion

Mechanical to electric
Sound to mechanical
Electric to heat energy
Chemical to mechanical
Solar to electrical

"And the teams are
Jay and Lonnie
Jane and Carlos
Doug and Evie
Tyler and Riley
Raymond and Ariana
Melody and Sam" the science teacher grouped them. "Please ensure that you are seated with your partner" the teacher said as everyone changed their seat to their partner's

"Well Jane Doug and Lonnie you will notice that I made the new guys your partners, that's because you people are my top three and as such you guys should help the new guys catch up. Do you understand" the teacher said as Jane and Doug nodded as chorused "yes sir"

"Please sir can I switch my partner" Lonnie said standing up, Jay looked at her surprised"any girl would kill to be partners with me this girl can't actually be in her right mind"Jay thought, "well if there's anyone who wants to switch with you then you can go ahead" the science teacher said.

"I'll switch with you" Melody said excitedly, "no it has to be either Jane or Doug"the teacher said.
"Doug?"Lonnie called him expectantly, Doug thought about how this was his only chance to spend time with the beauty that he was lucky to be partnered with, "nah I'm good" Doug said politely as Lonnie looked annoyed and disappointed

"Well you can switch with me" Jane said smiling, Carlos looked at Jane slightly sadly "does she not want to be my partner does she like Jay?.............of course she likes Jay every girl likes Jay"Carlos thought.

Lonnie looked at her best friend who was willing to sacrifice her happiness for she to be happy, " "leaving Jane to Jay would be selfish of me" Lonnie thought "it's alright I don't want to switch anymore" Lonnie said as she sat back at her seat.

"Am I really that annoying"Jay said as he was snickering, somehow he found it amusing how she failed at getting rid of him. "Okay look this is how this is going to work when we are working you are not allowed to speak to me about any topic unrelated to science and don't try to flirt with me is that clear?" Lonnie asked in a threatening tone.

"If you don't want to be partnered with me why didn't you just switch with old fashioned girl right there"Jay said as he was pointing at Jane Lonnie got angry as she took the finger and twisted it till it broke.

"Ow what the hell is wrong with you" Jay said as he was holding his broken finger "insult my friend again and I will break more than that" Lonnie said angrily. "Jay and Lonnie wait behind after class"the teacher said as he looked at them disappointedly.

Jane and Carlos
"Great! Lonnie got herself into trouble again" Jane said as she looked at Lonnie who was glaring angrily at Jay before looking back at Carlos.

"Which one do you think we should do she said looking at Carlos,

"well how about the mechanical to electrical" Carlos said with a grin

"okay that's cool we could make a mechanical generator" Jane said excitedly

"that'd be really cool when can we start" Carlos said with the same level of excitement.

"Well we can't start until we get the materials but we can start laying down our plans and materials and draw the blue prints" Jane said as she brought out a note book and started writing in it "JARLOS PROJECT".

"what's that" Carlos asked as he was staring at the topic,

"jarlos as in Jane and Carlos project" Jane explained,

Carlos blushed at the couple name "okay let's make some research on what we will need" Jane said as she flipped through her textbook while Carlos browsed it on his phone.

"I just had an idea what if we make it out of junk? That would give us extra points right?" Carlos asked Jane as she looked at him surprised

"Carlos you are a genius" Jane said impressed as she smiled Carlos returned the smile "okay one junk generator" Jane said as she wrote in her note book.

"Okay first we would need a wood board" Jane said

"plastic board will be better since we can just take it from recycling" Carlos said.

"That's genius, okay" she wrote it in her note.

"A motor and a soda can with CDs and some wires" Carlos added.

"Whoa how do you know how to make it from absolute junk" Jane asked puzzled

"well on the isle you had to work with what was available and so I just invented things with what I saw" Carlos said

"wow you are really smart I don't think you need my help catching up" Jane said playfully as Carlos hid his blush and muttered thank you. They drew the plan as they kept discussing about their project,

"I think this time we are going to take first place" Jane said with a smile

"who always takes first place?" Carlos asked

"well it's usually Doug" Jane said pointing to Doug that was with Evie "and me and Lonnie usually take second and third place" Jane said pointing to Lonnie who was just furiously writing in her notebook.

"Well it's not going to be easy cause you see Evie she's wicked smart" Carlos said as he pointed at Evie "especially when it comes to chemistry but I think we will win first place" Carlos said reassuring.

"Well I hope so" Jane said as they continued talking about their plan for the project

And it's done up next Doug and Evie, also Jay and Lonnie. Stay tuned any ideas thoughts criticism I would love to hear them all.

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