Runaway Ring

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Hi guys this is my first Komahina fanfic let me know in the comments if I should continue


Author's note 'A characters inner thoughts'

When the a character is remembering the excat words someone else said before

(Small commentary from me or the character)

When a character emphasises a point



Nagito was screwed so very screwed,not even hope (a very unhealthy obsession he has if I do say so myself) could save him now,before we go too much into detail let's take a step back and find out more about this young man's life.

As far as Nagito Komaeda could remember he always had a certain luck cycle,everytime something good happens bad follows closely behind.

Take his life for instance. On his 5th birthday he was going for vacation with his parents but sadly both his mum and dad died in a plane crash and the same day he was taken to the hospital a doctor diagnosed him with Frontotemporal Dementia,a cancer found in the brain but miraculously (although he still blames his luck) his doctor misdiagnosed him.

His family left behind a huge inheritance which he used to make a company together with his childhood friend Makoto Naegi called the Future Foundation.

The company's soul propose was to help children from all around the world find their perfect family something Nagito so desperately craved for.

Everything was going perfect,the company was flourishing,so many kids got the families they deserved but he still felt like the was something missing.

It was a typical lazy sunday,he didn't have any meetings that day so he got to relax on his balcony eating a bagel. He was listening to the radio,scientists found a way to mutate men's DNA and give them ovaries and a uterus. This was to help gay men achieve their dream of carrying children.

Normally Nagito would change the station and listen to his favorite station Hope for hopeless presented by Monokuma but something in his heart told him to keep the station.

Realisation hi him like a truth bullet and instantly he knew what his life was missing. A family to make memories with , a partner to tell your darkest secrets too in short Nagito Komaeda needed love.

As he heard the happy stories of many successful men he couldn't help but cry too. After a few minutes he decided to compose himself and take a walk to clear his mind.

He didn't know how far he walked but he found himself at the beach. It was already late at night and the stars shined bright but thats not what caught Nagito's attention. It was a man standing by the shore that mesmerised him.

The man's beauty was captivating.He had gold tan skin and if Nagito moved closer he could make out tiny freckles on the man's slightly chubby cheek. His chest was huge if Nagato could guess it looked roughly 91 cm despite all that he still had a feminine structure.

Nagito didn't even realise he was walking towards the stranger until he felt a gentle tap on his shoulder and the most beautiful olive green eyes his ever seen.

"Hey" the stranger giggled "If you like my face so much why don't you marry me?"

Instantly Nagito got down on one knee and held the strangers hands. His teal colored eyes bore seriousness and determination while the stranger's eyes had amusement and shock.

"Will you marry me then?" Nagito asked

The mystery man couldn't help but to laugh ,never in his life has he ever met someone so bold to ask a stranger for their hand in marriage. He was definitely going to spend his life with this man.

"I think you need to get to know me first before you spend the rest of your life with me,my name is Hajime Hinata" Hajime chuckled "and you are?"

Nagito blushed feeling like an idiot non the less he wasn't giving up. He brushed the sand off his black jeans and held his hand out for Hajime for a friendly handshake.

"Nagito Komaeda I'm sorry trash like me shouldn't even breath the same air as-"

Before Nagito could finish his sentence,a pair of soft lips kissed him,he could feel his body getting excited as he responded. His strong masculine arms easily carried Hajime's body. Hajime wrapped his legs around Nagito's waist while his hands got lost into the white beautiful messy Nagito called hair.

After a few minutes they broke off for air,with Hajime still being carried by Nagito.

"Sorry Komaeda my mum always taught me the best way to shut someone up is by doing it yourself so I hope you don't mind" Hajime smiled.

"Feel free to shut me up any day you feel like sweetheart" Nagito chuckled

Hajime blushed at the cute pet name,he placed his face closer to Nagito's hair loving the smell of lavender,probably from the shampoo he uses. Nagito blushed as he felt Hajime run his fingers in his hair.

" I love your hair and your eyes Komaeda" Hajime confessed " I wouldn't mind waking up everyday seeing them"

Thats all Nagito needed,he found his soulmate,sadly before Nagito could say anything else a strong wind blew in causing them both to fall into to ocean.

Drenched in water,Nagito's vision was blocked by his long fluffy white hair. Hajime laughed tucking two stands of white hair behind. Komaeda's face.

"You look like a wet dog Komaeda" Hajime giggled.

Before Nagito could tease Hajime too the wind blew. Hazel brown shoulder length hair flowed majestically as soft green eyes staired back into him. Nagito held his breath,he knew this man was handsome but at that moment he looked perfect.

Nagito declared he was going to have this man and as his father used to say what a Komaeda wants he gets. So Nagito asked Hajime out and the man happily accepted.

Now back to the present. It's been 3 years since then,the couple have never been happier.Hajime works as a sous-chef for the world famous chef Teruteru Hanamura
a man best known for his fried chicken. In a place called despair dinner run by Junko
Enoshima a boss so ruthless that she fired someone just for having a boring name (sorry Jeff).

Despite all this Hajime loves his job at the dinner cooking is the only thing he can do without anyone judging him. He is an amazing cook and Nagito thanks his lucky for bringing him into his life (Nagito once lit boiling water on fire an accident that still shocks the two till this day).

Both maybe busy but always have time together its no surprise they moved in together just 3 months after dating and have been inseparable since.

They may act like a married couple but Komaeda wanted to make things official and propose. Actually it was his best friend Makoto and his fiance Byakuya Togami who gave him the idea.

There wedding was coming up and both (even though Byakuya would never admit it out loud) loved Nagito and Hagime, so what better well to help your best friend out than to plan their wedding proposal on your wedding.

The plan was that Makoto would pretend to throw his bouquet of Nosegay flowers behind a crowd of guests ,but he stops and makes his way to Hajime and as he is focused on the groom. Nagito would get down on one knee and proposes.

So far everything was going perfect there was just one slight problem.

Nagito Komaeda lost the box with the ring and he had approximately 10 minutes left to find it before the whole plan is ruined.So in conclusion Nagito fucked up.

My (im)perfect family Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora