An old friend

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✍Hey amazing readers this won't take long I just wanted to thank my bestest best ever friend Naegi_Left_Shoe_ for the help love you loads✍


Author's note 'A characters inner thoughts'

When the a character is remembering the excat words someone else said before

(Small commentary from me or the character)

When a character emphasises a point



Hajime's P.V.O

It's been 7 months since Chiaki was born she has been nothing but a sweet and cute bundle of joy.
For the first 2 minutes of her being asleep after well... let's just say she can be...abit of

《Flash back starts》

Since Chiaki has gotten older,she'll need solid baby food but the thing is my child just had to take after Nagito. She is a picky eater!

I tried everything, Akane suggested fruits and vegetables something her son Gonta loves but Chiaki just spat it up (to be fair it was broccoli and cauliflower flavoured so I understand)

I tried mashed sugar free biscuits and crumbs which Sonia, Mikan and Ibuki's daughter enjoys but mine just took one good look at it,shook her head and turned away (so sassy isn't she?)

Kazuichi uses plane noises and the 4 dark devas of destruction to distract Angie and it works. I tried that with puppets but Nanami just giggled and fell asleep.

I was desperate and sleep deprived so I turned to the one person I didn't think I would ever turn to,Mahiru Koizomi but she didn't pick up her phone so I called Teruteru instead.

He suggested this new baby porridge he absolutely can't stop shoving in his mouth. (trust me if you know my coworker then you know that's not the weirdest thing Teruteru has ever put in his mouth enough said)

Everything was fine the first few minutes, here's what happened. She sat on her high chair with her adorable pink pip around her neck,still pretty sleepy so her head was barely up.

I took the opportunity to feed her the new porridge and then she snapped.

When I tell you the moment that spoon went in her mouth,she suddenly had energy,Chiaki wasn't having it,she flung that spoon out like it owed her rent money.

Screaming her tiny lungs out,waking up half the neighbourhood. I thought this was the worse of it but no there was more,
grabbing the plate full of baby food,she used all her strength to throw everything everywhere.

My baby was having a food fight by herself,I was terrified I didn't even know I made that much food because the whole kitchen was covered in it.

So I stood up trying to calm down my ragging baby by lifting her up and guess what she did? Spit up milk all over me,so now we're both messy and sad, my kitchen is dirty and to top it all off I still haven't found the perfect baby food for her.

Nagito walked in without a care in the world,he slipped on some porridge and accidentally dropped a bagel and sunflower seeds inside a blender,it turned on,mashing everything together.

He was about to apologise until,the sweet aroma filled the kitchen and Chiaki suddenly stopped crying.

It was a long shot but I gave her some of Nagito's accidentally smoothie and guess what? She absolutely..
Hated it, I mean come on its bagels in sunflower seeds mixed together in a freaking blender,what do you expect?

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