The perfect name for the perfect baby

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Author's note 'A characters inner thoughts'

When the character is remembering the excat words someone else said to them before

(Small commentary from me or the character)

When a character emphasises a point


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Hajime's P.O.V

I lazily woke up and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth,with Nagito still wrapped around me like a leach. At this point Its weird when his not wrapped around me.

I got his toothbrush and helped brush his teeth since he was too sleepy to do the bare minimum.( he needs his bagel to function)

After I was done,I grabbed my shoe box to write in my journal. Nagito sleepily sat on the ground to give me a massage (his so selfless even if his exhausted he wants to make sure I'm comfortable,get yourself a man like Nagito Komaeda)


Dear Baby

Its been 6 months since we last spoke so nothing much has changed. let me see well I still eat sunflower seeds just coated in mayonnaise and chilli powder (its the best thing I've ever tasted Nagito would strongly disagree) I usually wake up your father at night to get me some. When I do he always says the same thing.

What is this womb service I'm trying to sleep here kid?

In his best Italian accent (to be fair I love Italian accents I think they're adorable). I get soo tired and my body aches,luck for me Nekomaru showed your father what to do how to do it (massages you silly goose) actually I'm getting one right now.

Its so hard to sleep these days because every single angle I try,it's never comfortable.(I love you baby I really do but if you keep  disturbing my sleep I'll have no choice but to buy more pillows)

Kazuichi suggested sleeping on a bed surrounded by Chinchillas (the excat face your making now is the same face I made when he said that I know his so weird) but I had to decline I don't think your father would appreciate being surrounded by animals.

Who am I kidding? I wouldn't either its already hard enough sleeping with Nagito(he always has to hug me when his asleep it's cute except when I have to pee and he refuses to let go)

I also have contractions don't get me started on those,they hurt so much but it's ok because it's a sign that your going to come out soon(yes I'm squealing right now and your father is looking at me like I'm some maniac)

2 weeks ago you made me and your father so happy,you kicked for the third time! We were reading a mystery novel together (more like he was reading I was braiding his hair trying not to fall asleep,hey your father's voice is soothing)

《 Flashback 》

"Hey sunshine do you think the baby will like stuff we like.You know like how I adore sparkles,light and you adore autumn?" Nagito asked massaging my tummy

"Maybe" I giggled "imagine if I have the baby  surrounded by a thousand autumns leaves and... and...thousand-"

"Sparkles and light" Nagito added with a chuckle

"Yeah like a Chiaki" I smiled

*Baby kick*

"Nagito" I whispered in shock holding my belly

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