What if my (im) perfect was complete?

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📝Hello its been a while,so I really liked this alternative ending my bestooo friendo blissxchi4 did soo with her permission here it is!!!


Author's note 'A characters inner thoughts'

When the a character is remembering the excat words someone else said before

(Small commentary from me or Bliss or the character)

When a character emphasises a point




He can’t be late. He can’t lose Hajime. Not like this.

He ignored Junko’s screeching behind him, hoping, praying that he could catch up before it was too late.

He didn’t know what caused the sudden speed or jolt of energy. Maybe it was his head being too loud.

Thankfully, he wasn’t gone.

Thank Atua.

He was packing boxes into the car at Gundham and Kazuichi’s house, Chiaki and Angie chatting in the garden.

Chiaki looks at her dad. She didn’t think she’d ever see him again, and especially not like this.

He was a mess. Hair messier than ever, sweat dripping down his face, panting heavily. He looked like he ran all the way here.

“Dad...?” Chiaki looked at her father in disbelief "is..is really you?"

Hajime looked over towards his daughter and his...ex-husband.

He didn’t know how to feel in that moment. Nagito didn’t know what to say.

Somehow, the silence was so much louder than all the screaming that could’ve happened. The thoughts running through their heads were much louder.

“Hajime-.." Nagito began

“...Come on, Chiaki. We’ll miss our flight.” Hajime glared at the man who was more like a stranger to him now

Chiaki stared between her parents. She loved them both and couldn’t choose between them, so she had to get them back together again.

“No.” She whispered

Hajime looked surprised. “No? Sweetheart, everything is packed...”

“I don’t wanna leave Hopes Peak! I wanna stay! I-...”

She started crying, and immediately both of her parents crouched in front of her, Hajime ignoring his bitter feelings and Nagito ignoring his regret.

Nagito was quick to cup his daughter’s face “My player 2, Baby... don’t cry”

“I m-miss you, dad" Chiaki hiccuped "Papa misses you too...”

Nagito glances over at Hajime, who chose to ignore him in favor of hugging his little girl running his fingers through her hair.

The brunette tried to reason with her “I know leaving Hopes Peak is scary, we have so many memories here, but this’ll be good for us, we can make new memories, Chiaki...”

“I don’t want new!! You don’t want new!! I want things back to normal! Please...?”

Hajime sighs, holding back his own tears. By this point, an angry Kazuichi carrying a sledgehammer was being held back by an equally pissed Gundham.

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