Just come home

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Author's note 'A characters inner thoughts'

When the character is remembering the excat words someone else said to them before.

(Small commentary from me or the character)

When a character emphasises a point


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Nagito's P.O.V

Great just great Hajime wants to go out again doesn't he realise how tired I am I just got back from work.

Hajime was too big to wear his shoes so I always helped him. I don't mind it's adorable seeing him struggle, I just find it annoying when he drops something and I need to stop whatever I am doing and just to pick it up for him.

Hajime is always so moody,we don't even go to the beach anymore because his feet are swollen but each time I offer to massage them or carry him,he snaps at me for not offering earlier.

I've been so exhausted lately,all he does is everyday is whine,play video games and sleep. I tried to go for some cooking lessons with Teruteru but thanks too my luck something bad happens,just yesterday I cooked a perfect lasagne for Hajime but as soon as I gave it too him,it hit me I used liver (nurse Usami gave us a list of foods not to eat I never really looked at it because Hajime did most of the cooking now look at me)

I knocked the lasagne off the table,the good news is Hajime never ate a single bite so he and the baby were fine,bad news is it was cooked with a pyrex so there was shattered glass all over the floor and the smell made my precious husband puke.(Great so not only have I ruined a perfectly good glass pyrex,made my husband vomit but these no dinner and I'm starving)

These are just the good days but you get the idea,back to the present,here I am helping my pregnant husband wear shoes since he insisted in seeing Akane's baby today.

"Do we have to go today?" I whined "I'm too tired to walk let's just drive"

"But exercise is good for the baby" Hajime giggled "Don't be lazy"

"We can go later I just got back from work can't you let me rest abit please" I pleaded using my best puppy dog eyes,sadly he wasn't looking at me so it didn't work

"I don't want to rest I want to go now" Hajime yelled folding his arms

"Your being unfair Hajime" I scolded already feeling a headache coming

"No your being selfish actually this is the perfect time to talk about our problems"

"Problems? Selfish? All we do is whatever you want to do what about me"

"Its not my fault you've kept me on house arrest till Chiaki is born I'm bored"

"Not my problem its for your own good your 7 months pregnant"

"You wouldn't know what's good for me if it stabbed you like a spear"

"Oh really whose bought 60 sunflower seeds for 2 months alone?"

"Its not my fault I was craving them"

"And who bought your maternity outfits?"

"My usual clothes can't fit anymore know that"

"I'm just saying you need to be more grateful"

"You too I'm carrying your baby"

"Didn't even ask you to do it now did I?"I spat throw my hands in the air in frustration "hell you didn't even ask me as usual Nagato Komaeda isn't involved"

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